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Everything posted by rabcor

  1. I never even heard of Orbiter, it doesn't look as fun to me as this game though i prefer games that don't try too hard to be reallistic. This game also has some nice humor in it. That was a cool find OP.
  2. I was wondering how to best design a rover, in general is what i mean. Whether i want a small or large rover, whether i want it to be fast or efficient, how to keep it stable, where and how to place the tires, etc, etc.i'm having a bit of a rough time making one from randomly putting together parts. I want to make a rover, launch it into space and drive it around on surfaces of other moons and planets. The problem is that i don't know how to actually design a rover to begin with, and how could i bring it to the surface of other moons/planets? (i can get to the moons, but how to get a rover of any size there i have no clue)
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