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Everything posted by EonthePeon

  1. I just started playing a few months ago myself, and safety has become huge for me, Jeb is my go to man and I don’t want to see anything happen to him =). I use to do a lot of test builds using satellites and then remade it with a command module; this last patch has made that approach a million times easier! I also believe in no Kerbal left behind. My first landing on Minmus was fun, I landed with little to no fuel left, I tried for close to an hour to find a solution. The solution I ended up involved burning all the fuel to get me as altitude as it could all the while pushing with my RSC to get a stable orbit. I then launched a a satellite matched the orbit, managed to refuel them (first time I had docked two ships in orbit (I had done ship to space station before) to refuel them. I even used the sat to practice brining an object back home before I returned my Kerbals home.
  2. Thanks for the welcome!
  3. Good Morning Everyone, I found Kerbal a few months ago thanks to my brother, and after ten mins on the demo got hooked and bought the game. So wanted to say I love the game, and after in a long while so I finally decided to drag myself to the forums and get signed up.
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