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Everything posted by AvitusNerva

  1. Nobody has negative, positive, or critical comments? Does this spark any new ideas of spin-offs? I think this is an interesting model.
  2. I have a thought about how to get currency in career mode (don't know if others will like it). Career mode starting situation: President X of Kerbin dumped money into a new space agency beginning with building a state of the art facility, but with a newly elected president all funds were pulled leaving a shiny new space center but no way to fund it. The military has oodles (infinite number) of a few basic rocket parts since the retiring of all ICBMs that are available to the space program (this way if a player runs out of money they can still do something). The last funding was used to build the contracts office (new game building) to secure the future of the space program. (Story is irrelevant, just how I thought of it) When you click on the contracts office you get a screen with available contracts. They could be something like: - place sub-assembly X in orbit around Y with inclination I, apoapsis A, and periapsis P (this way users could create challenge satellites for career mode) The max reward would be a function of mass and min delta-V (as calculated with basic orbital mechanics equations w/ Hohmann transfers) to arrive at orbit. - place a spacecraft with specs (power, comms, fuel left, # of Kerbals, ect) into specified orbit (users get to design their own space craft, but will want to meet the requirements as efficiently as possible) - mission (eg. Return sample from Duna northern pole or fly sensor X to specified orbit for 1 week and transmit back/return results) Money: When the contract is placing a spacecraft, the user will have a new option button (or whatever UI is best) to “deliver†the craft (which will then disappear/become unavailable to the user). Then the reward will be reduced via a "success" factor. Maybe must be orbiting correct body to get any reward and the reduction is proportional to the required additional delta-V to go from the actual orbit to the orbit specified in the contract. Missions will more or less be pass/fail. Additional Details: The user may only be able to take X number of contracts at a time and canceling a contract will incur a fee (user’s money may go negative [maximum negative amount?] in which case they can’t spend any money but all funds they do get will help get them back to black). Contracts are supposed to play well into users’ creativity (use any launch vehicle, doesn't matter how it gets there, just that it does get there). They will want to complete missions efficiently because any parts they do buy for the mission will come from current funds. Users can also use the money they get to conduct their own science or personal missions in addition to missions such as resupply stations that will facilitate future contracts (increasing profit margins!). This format for getting money is meant to be extensible to incorporate potentially new contract types. This is simply an infrastructure concept. I would love to hear your comments!
  3. The Faraday Space Station, a permanent output orbiting Kerbin. All docking areas are lit in blue. There is one standard docking port at the end of each truss section for docking unmanned craft. Also on each truss between the solar arrays are three standard and one large berthing port for future fuel storage and resupply or additional unmanned docking. In the manned portion of the station there are five standard docking ports at the bottom of the docking tower, one large port on the back science module and an additional standard on the front of the two Mk1-2 pods. All modules were launched in payload fairings to add some realism to the station construction.
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