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Everything posted by SRV Ron

  1. Since I often experiment with mods on stand alone copies from Steam, I haven't the foggiest idea.
  2. I have noticed that as well. If you can get a direct capture from Kerbal orbit to another planet, the burn is much more efficient then launching to escape velocity and later doing the burn to capture.
  3. You will have to manually land them for them to stay, or, at least remain under 2.5 k from them until they have landed on their own. Not an easy feat when you also have to fly the plane low in order to stay in the 2.5k range. Try dropping them from orbit and landing each one separately. They will then remain until recovered.
  4. Just copy the game folder to a different location and create a shortcut for the desktop from the KSC.exe. Highly recommended should you want to play with the alternate Kerbal mod.
  5. A screen shot would help. The Map Mode does have problems with allowing setting a maneuver mode under certain views especially when you have an encounter path in the way. Zoom in, change viewing angles, etc... until you can place a node. Then, move that node to where you needed it.
  6. While the acceleration was reasonable, you had a case of compression failure from all of the mass sitting on top of the four boosters. The added acceleration near burnout was enough to cause the failure. Add bracing struts from the top of the four boosters to the side of the short SRB. That should resolve the issue.
  7. Just copy the program from the SteamApps\common folder to another location and create a desktop shortcut icon from the KSP.exe file.
  8. The demo is a completely independent program. You can run it anywhere, even off a thumb drive. Likewise, you can run different versions of KSP on your computer as they are also standalone versions. In fact, to be on the safe side, copy KSP from your Steam folder to another location such as a Games folder, create a desktop icon and use that to test add ons. All the screen settings are stored in the registry so they will apply to the copies when you run them. You are allowed to install the game to other computers that you own. However, you are NOT allowed to install copies to third party users. Exception are the demo version. https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/eula.php I have the game on the laptop as well as the desktop. I also have the demo and several older versions as archive on those computers. Just to be safe, the desktop has the Steam purchase while the laptop has the version purchased directly from Squid. Many of the forum users have also purchased two copies from the two different sources as a courtesy to the developers. Hopefully this honor system will remain in place so we never have to suffer from the insanity of buggy, overpriced, pay a subscription to play, games that are now out there especially on what used to be stand alone console systems.
  9. Similarly, if the Mainsail was needed to get into orbit, but left you with lots of fuel in the main tank, place a decoupler between it and the fuel tank to stage it. You will have to run a fuel line to the Mainsail. This is a similar setup for my interplanetary asparagus with LV-N core. The outboard engines are staged just prior to reaching orbit.
  10. A cluster of three SRBs will stage themselves when attached to a core SRB. Tweaking the thrust can change the timing of the overheat to explode just prior to running out of fuel. The trick then is to achieve orbit with SRBs, get them to blow up at the right time, and be left with the liquid fuel engine with at least two fuel cans full for the Mun flyby and return.
  11. Try a design similar to this where you can ditch the three outboard engines on launch from the Mun. (You can easily land on the three outboards on this design if you don't have fuel lines in career.) This was built in the demo version.
  12. Build simple. Add to the design as you gain experience. You would be surprised just what can actually go just about anywhere in the Kerbal System. Examples. Tiny probe SSTO Or a Career ship to Mun orbit and back. And back home to Kerbal
  13. Divide 1500 into the target thrust. In your example, get as close to 66.7 as you can. However, consider using a cluster of LV-30 or LV-45 in place of the one heavy Mainsail, or mod engines such as Nova Punch and KW Rocketry.
  14. Go to the Wiki. Study how things work. Then, go back to career to learn how to use the limited parts to do things. Build simple, you will have less problems that way. As you find out how things work, you will get better at doing things in the game. Then, start another career mode and see how much faster you can advance in it.
  15. If they were to sell film rights to a major movie studio, what happens to the videos of KSP already posted on You Tube? What happens to Squid's rights to produce their own promotional videos in the future? Would users still be allowed to create and post their own videos of the game on You Tube? Disney once put out a cell animation paint program for the early Amiga computer. It was so tied up with copyright and EULAs as to be next to useless for sharing any work done on it. Advancing technology in computer graphics soon rendered that program obsolete. Bad idea, very bad idea.
  16. There was talk about building a Space Elevator, but that is not possible both due to limited rendering distance and part count rendering.
  17. After crashing KSP, got a probe ship built with two separate probes attached. In spite of the staging nightmare of the probes designed for moderate range launching, I got each under separate control into independent orbit. They are designed for landing on Duna. What is interesting is the radical decoupler still attached to each independent probe. In order to add a booster to the one probe with the six place anywhere thrusters, I had to use the round lattice girder. Probe landed ok with the setup. The six place anywhere cut landing speed by 1/2 on Kerban so should work well on Duna or low gravity landing.
  18. Ditch the wings, the SRB, and the decoupler. With the small Rocomax on the FL-T200 fuel can, you can do SSTO.
  19. Indeed, very interesting until you get too close.
  20. Designed several micro probe landers; Design one, Simple RCS lander 0.82 tons Design twp, Simple RCS with six place anywhere. 0.92 tons Design three, with legs at 0.98 tons The designs are good for moon landings or on Eve, Laythe, and Duna The following can land on higher gravity bodies; Design Four, has toggable outer ant engines; 0.73 tons And a test landing; Design Five with a throttled down Rocomax. 1.18 tons All probes have a comm, dual solar panels, and full scientific instruments. All are equipped with parachutes.
  21. Your calculations were correct. Used one FL-T200 to test. With management of the thrust during flight in the atmosphere, it made 200k+ orbit with ease. I don't think that this will get any smaller or cheaper using stock parts. (Save $55 for two FL-T100s and the cheaper but drag inducing comm.) Yes, I know. No procedural fairings. I don't have that mod. They would add additional cost and weight to this project.
  22. Easily done. This design, based upon another player, has eight independently powered and controlled probes for a Jool mission. They are launched by action groups. Four of the probes are ion powered and can parachute down. Four others are short range conventional fuel.
  23. Asparagus drop tanks for launch, generally not efficient. However, for interplanetary exploration, they work extremely well.
  24. Back in the 40s, while looking for a substitute for natural rubber, silly putty was invented. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silly_putty Later, there was Flubber, then Green Slime from the Ghostbuster's movie. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slime_%28toy%29
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