Consider building up to an Eve mission. Let the Mun be your practice round. Build your rocket. I suggest trying out the rover right on top of the system that Rodion suggested. See how much fuel you have when you get to orbit, when you reach the Mun. Do you have enough to get back? Try. With that mission under your belt, then you can decide how much extra you need to add to that system. To the the system that inspired the one I use, I suggest watching HOCgaming's
. (He & Scott Manly have lots of good tutorials.) He provides an example of the asparagus staging others have mentioned.As far as struts go, usually one at each point of the object will be more than sufficient. Most justifications, unfortunately, are math heavy because the discusion about "static forces" are oriented toward engineers.
someone coloring objects under stress to reveal how the force moves. (Skip to 0:50) Essentially, the strut on the top will generally be under tension and the strut on the bottom will be under compression. The rest will not really add any support beyond that.You can change staging by clicking on an icon in a stage panel, letting it highlight, and then click-dragging it to the stage panel it belongs in. Panels are added or deleted by pushing the + or - that show up when a panel is clicked. Panels can be dragged without clicking beforehand. Perhaps you've seen the injunction to turn at 10,000 meters? More specifically, your goal is to keep directly skyward until ~10,000m, shedding spent stages. Then turn your craft so the navball wings are over 90 degrees. This is east, and the direction that Kerbin spins. Imagine its gravity/rotation like a whirlpool, going in the other directions - especially west, 180 - wastes more fuel. At this point, switch to map view. When your AP tag shows ~67,000m when you mouseover it, then finally turn your navball wings to meet the line separating sky from ground on the 90 line. Keep burning until, in map view, your PE tag comes out of the planet and reads 70,000 or more. Make sure to watch your staging when in map view, as it doesn't warn you about fuel levels. Orbit achieved. If you are going to the Mun, as the Training scenario said, create a maneuver node on a line connecting Kerbin & the Mun. Increase the thrust on the maneuver node until it intersects with the munar orbit, whereupon you should get an encounter. The task is harder for Eve depending upon its angle to Kerbin. Further, its orbit is inclined 2 degrees more than kerbin's. Adopt the same, before setting out. (Minmus is good practice for this. It has a 6 degree inclination.) I've recently been setting the celestial body as my target and then playing with the maneuver node until it reports a closest approach. It's worth knowing the period of the body to approximate where Eve will be at various times. It has a year lasting about 65 days. So, if it takes you 30 days to get to intersect with its orbit, expect Eve to be at the opposite end of its orbit from when you started. Anyway, when you get a close approach, just fiddle with the maneuver node until it is as close as you can make it. If need be, execute the maneuver and then correct your path about midway. What you do when you've arrived depends on how much fuel & craft you have then. You can let Eve's atmosphere slow you down by dipping at least as far down as 70,000m. If you just have the rover, you can dip even farther and still not have to arrest your horizontal velocity. Burn what you have left, cut the chutes. Mission Accomplished.