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Everything posted by Greel

  1. One of my biggest gripes with KSP is how when in orbit your craft does not have the ability to maintain its heading and instead stays pointing in the same direction. This causes your heading to slowly move as you orbit. If you set your ship pointing directly at a planet, after traveling half way around your orbit you will now be facing away from said planet. I would love to see a new option added to all command pods that keeps a ship oriented to its heading. This would use reaction wheels/RCS to keep a ship pointing at the same location in space throughout its orbit, and would consume a constant electric charge (for reaction wheels, mono propellant for RCS) to do so. When enabled the heading would be derived from the SAS and whatever its last locked on position was. As an example of what this would do: If you were to launch a satellite into orbit and point it directly at Kerbin (a heading of 0). No matter where you are in your orbit you would always be poiting directly at Kerbin. If you point this satellite at a distant star, no matter where in your orbit you are you would still be facing that star. This could make docking substantially easier since you can make it so both vessels never rotate. Line them up, orient to heading and wait for contact. This would also open up new possibilities for RP as well as for new parts. being able to make a Kerbal Space Telescope and actually have it maintain a constant heading, or the above mentioned satellite that can always look towards a planet. New parts could be added as well, parts that must always face away from the sun, or always point towards the sun, or towards a certain target.
  2. Here's my refueling station (all stock parts): Front Back The engine will eventually be detached once I am 100% satisfied with it, but for now it stays. It has roughly 25,000 units of liquid fuel, 9,000 units of mono-propellant and is orbiting Kerbin at about 500km. Took me over a month to put together because I was determined to send more than one fuel tank up at a time, but after a month of trying 100 different variations I have concluded it's just not possible to get more than 1 full fuel tank into orbit.
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