ANTICLIMAX! 'Sup. Names AlthalusFromSpace, or Althalus or whatever really. My real name is very old and celtic and tends to tie peoples' tongues in knots, so I'll leave it out of here. I've been playing KSP since a few days after the 0.17 release, but now I find myself with enough free time to get into this community. The mount and blade community are lovely and all, but they're not great for an intelligent chat. I'm a 16 year old Irish student. I like Sci-Fi, things that explode, and sifting through dubious amounts of codes to make mods. I also like Youtube videos, and I'm looking at setting up a collaboration channel, the thread for which is underway. I'm also an Actor, so that's where the dramatic entrance came in. Abstract drama is the best drama. So yeah. Hi 0.o