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Everything posted by an3k

  1. I had the same problem like you and replied to you before I saw that config change in the previous pages and also before @sdfghdfgjd replied. That tconfig change works well but it adds some wobble to your vehicle so I'd suggest using it only for testing purposes. I think I got everything but I miss the wheels. Sorting by manufacturer would be awesome but MSI isn't even shown. I have a clean install and extracted the whole IR-2.0.8-Final-Core.zip and then extracted just the Parts directory from IR-2.0.5-Final-Full.zip. Should I grab the Parts from 2.0.2 instead?
  2. Do you have Kerbal Joint Reinforcement installed? If yes, remove that or lift that rocket into space and it should work fine.
  3. At least Sony allows Mods to be installed on PS4 for Fallout so I guess it's possible. Probably not directly from PC to Console but likely with the use of a website.
  4. I'll explain them to you if you tell me what docking ports you use
  5. I have everything stored in GameData even if the Addon was not made for the new structure but everything works fine! Mechjeb is loaded and all the other Addons i normally use. I just can't load any ship stored in the GameData directory but only if they're stored in either Ships directory or below Saves. To be honest there is still a big problem with the new system. You have a savegame with some flights active. One of the ships uses a part contained in a mod. The mod gets updated and moves its files from KSP_OS\Parts to GameData. Now the internal USL to the parts is different. If you load your savegame you get an error that a ship could not get loaded because of missing parts. your flights are cancelled and the game automatically saves your game. You sucessfully destroyed your whole savegame! If you now put the missing parts back into the KSP_OS\Parts directory and try to load that savegame again: fail. the game already overwrote it just as the error message appeared the first time. I really don't know why we have to invent the wheel again. Back at Quake 1 times such a system already existed. stock files are stored in these pak files (ordinary zip files) and all custom (modded) files are stored in the same directory but with subdirectories, etc. That system didn't had the problem with different internal urls ...
  6. I noticed a problem with the change. If you have a ship built with parts from mods and the mod author updates to the new structure you cannot load your ship anymore. the really bad thing here is that immediately after you get the error message the game immediately saves your game. This results in losing the whole savegame because the flights are removed. I didn't took a look into the craft files but i think the used parts are listed with absolute paths like KSP_OS\Parts\foo\bar\ so if you move your files to the new system the path changes too KSP_OS\GameData\foo\Parts\foo\bar\. Suggestion: Just rename GameData to Mods and place all of your stock files into KSP_OS instead of Mods (just like before). This way we can very easily restore factory default by just renaming the directory Mods to something else. The loading preference (if there are parts with the same name) should be the Mods directory - otherwise it would be kinda useless Do i need a config file for Ships (stored in KSP_WIN\GameData\MyMod\Ships\...) because here are only stock ships loaded. If i place the files in KSP_WIN\Ships\ or KSP_WIN\Saves\...\ i can use them. Thanks
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