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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. After maxing out the tech tree and skills before a transfer window to Eve or Duna is even close why not see what 1.0 has in store?
  2. My early career lander has 8600 dV and I land Mun with 1600+ left easy, so about 6000 to get there. Using the dV map I found online it should be 7140 dV to get there and back considering aerobrake to return to Kerbin. (LKO 4500 + 680 Transfer + 180 Mun Transfer + 80 Capture + 230 LMO + 580 Landing + 580 LMO + 230 Escape + 80 Transfer = 7140 minimum)
  3. dV map gives you everything you need if you can plot an intercept to a moon orbit. Aerobrake with Jool. Then it's matter of timing, patience and Hohmann transfers. You don't need to go all the way down to Jool to come back up, just enough (or enough dV) and that it.
  4. By "steering loss" you mean losses due to trying to keep a wobbly rocket on course as it drifts barely controllable about your target vector? Then, yes, it's a thing - any offset vector from your intended direction of travel is fuel (dV) wasted. There probably is an equation to account for stiffness, flexion and vibration in a real rocket. Do you really need to account for it in KSP, probably not. V(rocket)=dV-D-G-(wobbly rocket*pilot compensation), (estimate through testing) might be the order of the day.
  5. Thank you. I double checked the binding and it is set to the brackets. Now to wait until the next close encounter. They have to be < 2.5 Km from each other, correct?
  6. I set up the rendezvous for a rescue and got within a few meters and [ ] didn't work. I have not altered any key bindings. The capsule is empty. Solar panels deployed. I do have a few mods installed: engineering redux, one of the fairings things, alarm clock, but... why can't i switch to the poor dude floating there? Seriously after all the planning and maneuvering to get that close I rage quit and haven't played for a week; decided to load it and pick back up and then remembered what made me mad. Stoopid career game and needing success - pretty sure MOAR boosters isn't the problem. Please help; my 8 year daughter is really counting on the funding to get us to Duna - seriously. And, just saying, I did an advanced search and this it the first post I found had anything to do with my question - I only say it after reading the whole thread and, well - the internet can be mean place.
  7. Active Texture Management: Now if you did decide to install some of these visual upgrades plus a number of different parts, you might find yourself inching closer to hitting the 32-bit RAM limit. Use this plugin to take care of that problem. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-5-Release-3-1-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs%21
  8. Have any of the launch windows changed from what was already calculated here: http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/. I've got more than enough SCIENCE! gathered and flight profiles to orbit tested to get to several planets at about 30 days in career. I'll busy kerbals to Mun and back if I really need to wait 200 more days for a launch window to Duna, but is this site still acurate after the latest update?
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