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Everything posted by CaptainCake

  1. Introducing The CakeTek Transporter Mk.XII (Yes it did take twelve attempts) Mass: 39.981 tonnes Parts: 77 (81 including docking stage) Crew Capacity: 4 Control: RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit- For all your unmanned flight needs Thrust: 2x LV-N Atomic Rocket Engine Fuel Transport Payload: 1770 Units Docking Utilities: 2 Front Facing Standard Ports 2 Junior Docking Ports Mounted on Top Here at CakeTek, we like to provide our customers with the best experience, of the deathly void that is the cosmos, that we possibly can. To bring you brilliant technological wonders, we put our best Kerbals on the job with the best working conditions*. Our new contraption, the CakeTek Transporter Mk.XII is the result of many years of hard graft with definitely no deaths**. This Transport plane has been specifically engineered to provide maximum efficiency for refueling all manner of rovers and even for docking with orbiting stations! We hope that you will include CakeTek in your consideration! Happy Flying! *= Minimum of 22 hours per day with two five minute breaks **= Death Toll- 14, the pilots didn't try hard enough __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Joking and Adverts aside, I'd like to present the CakeTek Transport Mk.XII. It has taken me a long time to get this thing to fly straight, and as a result, has been through 12 stages of evolution! It is designed as a shuttle, As I believe it is a more efficient and stylish way to transport and transfer the fuel needed for rovers and the Space Station in orbit around the Mun. As I mentioned in the 'advert' (I use the term very lightly) There is a docking port on the port and starboard side of the ship, facing forward. When I have tested these, they have been on the right level for rover docking. The two Junior Docking ports are mounted on the top of the ship, so that all one would have to do is fly under, then move up a bit, the idea for two Junior ports is to allow for a margin of error, you can miss the first port, but simply carry on to dock with the second (Pictures should make it more clear) More Pics: http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x420/CaptainCake98/Slide1_zpsbbfe246f.jpg http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x420/CaptainCake98/Slide2_zpsc791941e.jpg http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x420/CaptainCake98/Slide3_zps1dc11a38.jpg Flying: This is not intended for flight in atmosphere! (Pictures use the Hack Gravity Feature in the debug panel) This craft primarily uses RCS to maneuver, and as a result, has lots of RCS fuel! To take off from landed, turn on docking mode and use RCS to push you up a little before toggling SAS to stabilize. The nose should rise a little higher than the tail, making it easier to fly away from the surface. To toggle main engines, press 1 and they should fire up. Keybindings: 1= Toggle Main engines 2= 6x Landing Legs Ladder for easy Kerbal access Thanks for your consideration! Samuel G Kermann, CEO of CakeTek Download Link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/nuwj8yfiow6rhnc/CakeTek%20Kerbal%20Transport%20Mk_XII.craft
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