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Everything posted by airlynx99

  1. Checked out Bandicam demo, much better quality recording with much less monkeying around to get it to work. License is ~ $40 so I guess it's not too bad to get rid of the watermark. I'm recently making a return to Windows from years of using Linux, so I'm relearning lots lately Thanks for the input.
  2. Hey there, not sure where to put this, but I need some help recording videos. I go to YouTube and see all the wonderful videos and I just want to contribute to the fun, but seem to have problems. I noticed in Scott Manley's video about editing .cfg files and parts that he uses CamStudio and it's open source, so being an open source fan that was my natural choice. Unfortunately it has less than optimal performance for me as you can see in my first attempt here: The default encoder didn't work so I tried in SWF mode, which gave me a recording framerate of less than 5 per second, ick. The above video was recorded with the Microsoft Encoder on AVI which gave me a better framerate, but the quality of it is terrible and it seemed to slow down pretty much everything on the computer until I closed CamStudio itself (things were slow even when I wasn't recording). Also I don't seem to be able to record from microphone and the game simultaneously. I have a fairly decent computer, quad-core AMD A-8 Vision processor, AMD Radeon graphics, 12 GB RAM, and Windows 8. So my question is this: What sort of system stats, settings, and software do you use when recording your videos for YouTube? (extra points go to open source solutions )
  3. FWIW, I bought the game a week ago and spent just as much time watching videos on how to fly as I did actually flying. The nodes that you create in map view are very helpful, but they do not execute themselves. MechJeb was a great help, but a bit overwhelming at first. Before jumping into MechJeb I'd suggest being able to plot nodes and execute them successfully. Also, if you create a node with a long burn time (over a minute) it sometimes helps to start your burns a bit before your actual node. (something I learned from MechJeb) Also, MechJeb is not a perfect autopilot, it requires some babysitting sometimes. My first attempt at leaving Kerbin's orbit for Moho I relied entirely on MechJeb and it started a 5 minute long retrograde burn on my periapsis, I never did figure out why. Naturally I just started plummeting back to Kerbin, and to fix it I had to burn up more fuel and was left with empty tanks circling the sun. I leave that flight there as a lesson to not trust the autopilot all the time.
  4. My little replica of the Voyager 1 craft, nowhere near perfect, but all stock. Just started with the game, so I started with something small and simple. You'll notice the orbit velocity is 10368 m/s whereas the Voyager 1 is more like 17000 m/s or something like that. Also still in orbit with the sun, have a apoapsis of around 22 million Km. I messed up my staging and used over half my Nerva's fuel trying to circle an orbit around Kerbin before heading out for solar escape velocity
  5. Hello and all that, after lurking around on the boards for a few days I finally decided to register and say Hi! I have to say that I love the community this game offers, but it really is my dream game. I get to sit around and make rockets and aircraft and then see if they'll fly? Superb! I'm really excited to see this game develop as the developers slowly add more and more to it, I heard rumor of a better aerodynamic model and can't wait. The mods I've tried so far are mind-blowing; MechJeb, Lazor, Sunbeam (my personal favorite method of handling debris), those robot arms, Bussard RamJet thingy, omg! The one mod I'm looking for and haven't found yet is some sort of robot building pack. Just a collection of telescoping arms, motors, cogs, pivots, etc. would be perfect. I have a copy of Blender but not much idea of how to use it, tried Wings3D (much easier) years ago but apparently it doesn't support the right file type. In short, I'm not a great 3D modeler without AutoCAD, but if anyone wants to tackle this I would be willing to help out with planning, testing, and maybe even texturing.
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