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Posts posted by Leveller

  1. I am having trouble with my server. I set it up using Hamachi and none of my friends can connect to it. I checked my firewall to see if it was allowing ksp, DMP server, and Hamachi through it, I checked to see if my friends were typing in the right ip, and I made sure the DMP server was up and running

    Got no idea how to get it working with hamachi, i know what hamachi is but i have never tried DMP with it.

  2. really hope some of the server-client lag gets solved, its a unity things and probably has to do with rigidbodies, lots and lots of them....

    just looking forward for lan support to alleviate most of that lag (on the computer the server is running on, that comps client has no lag, but a computer beside it has a lot of lag, going all the way into the internet and back again)

    appreciate all of this great dedication.

    Just what do you mean with LAN support? You can already play this at a LAN...

  3. Hey Kerbots

    My name is John, and I love every single one of you. All of you are sciency, more-boosters, awesomeness who spend every second of their day looking at hype train pictures.

    You are everything good in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any update? I mean, I guess it’s fun waiting for updates of fun because of your own impatience, but you all take to a whole new level.

    This is even worse than not adding struts at all.

    Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best screenshot. I’m pretty much done with the update .24, reached jool in a SSTO. I was captain of the kerbal team, and launcher on the KSC launchpad team.

    What achievements do you got, other than “Going to the Mün and Minmus� I also get straight hohmann transfers, and have a banging overheated booster (It just blew up, s*it was SO cash). You are all waiting for nothing. Thanks for listening.

    Pic Related: It’s me and my SSTO

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