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Everything posted by seekoutguy

  1. These could use specialized docking ports, if, for instance, you just wanted to get some fuel to an orbital base, and want to keep the can, but don't need the rest of the launch mechanism.
  2. I'm just going to ask so I can be sure that I did, and that it is or isn't something you'll do; for the berthing mechanisms and cuppola-thing, could you either make them with flat bottoms by default, or, alternatively, make version that do? The 1.25m endings make my worry about the stability of the structure when I use them to end off vessels, such as for my mining bases and such.
  3. Could you add nodes to all six sides of the cans? I have this Idea for using the smallest ones as probes, and that'd make it easy to keep them neatly clustered. Also, maybe a linear "six pack" holder in case you use the probe/sas/asas/monoprop/etc. in it to save space? Actually, moving the nodes off from the surface a little bit would make them clip a bit less if you tried to do part clusters.
  4. Someone needs to make a flag generator with these.
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