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Everything posted by triscuits

  1. It's really hard for a game to interest me, to be honest my most suited playstyle nowadays is to go AFK in an MMO. I also easily get bitter with game developers, for all intents and purposes I'm a horrible videogamer these days. But I can't put KSP down, I sink hours into it without noticing. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is or what combination of things is doing it, but I love it!
  2. I've only been playing for a couple days but my biggest achievement so far is putting Jeb in orbit around the Mun in a one man space probe. I'm not using addons so figuring out the navigation system and doing that felt pretty satisfying.
  3. No I wasn't talking about Mechjeb, though I have heard of it. I was talking about those buttons in map mode that pop up when you click on your trajectory. They seem to be some sort of AP system, maybe I'm reading it wrong. But anyway I think I figured out orbiting (sort of) thanks for the help.
  4. I purchased the game today and am still working on orbits. I've managed to get some successful circular orbits but they always seem to go off course and crash into kerbin. I'd like to get it so I can have it on windowed mode in the background just orbiting without my help. Is this possible? Is the autopilot in game functional? If it is how do I get it to work?
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