No. Here is tha thing. Did you use patcher? If so, do the following steps: 1. Go into /KSPDIR/GameData/Squad 2. Erase Parts folder. 3. Run patcher. 4. Restart Game. 5. Enjoy single items. Reason: They changed Part Config names, so the part.cfg is still there. So this worked for me.
So When i put SPP Delta wing,SSP Wing Connector, and SSP Elevon1, they get replaced. Is reproducable. Step 1. Put any of the above parts in/on a plane Step 2. Put on runway/launchpad. Step 3. Its there.
If they are done, and working weekends, what's not to say t---y??? ---------------------------------------------------------------------^ Redacted to keep tha karma away
Sorry to necro, but Christmas is coming, and my possible present is.... A computer overhaul. So. With the current version, what would be the best components?