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Everything posted by Dotower

  1. I think that we are beginning to need a kind of "motivation", goals to achieve and constraints in accomplishing tasks. In my opinion it would be extremely stimulating to have space services to develop and build up. A great starting point could be "populating" Kerbin: creating cities, countries, thus technological needs! Satellite communication systems (for Kerbin customers, interplanetary spacecrafts, bases on other planets), GPS, Kerbinstationary satellites, scientific observation probes, various constellations of satellites, etc. Of course, all this would perfectly fit and develop with research and (I hope soon implemented) economy. The idea of accepting contracts from privates, companies and space agencies looks great! In a less near future some AI opponents could be added. These could be the seeds for starting space races and competiton. Another good and helpful feature would be allowing the possibility of "record" a space mission (spacecraft+launcher, ascent trajectory, orbit insertion, phasing maneuvers, rendez-vous approaching trajectories) and then automatically repeat it whenever needed. For example, I really wished something like this when building a couple of space stations. But maybe this should be written in another topic. I apologise for being a little bit confusing, but I hope my opinion will be helpful.
  2. Scarica l'add-on ISA MapSat. Con quello puoi scansionare i pianeti attorno a cui orbiti
  3. What do you think about my Munar Crane?
  4. Ok, risolto Che ve ne pare del mio tentativo di realizzare un avamposto Munare??
  5. Ragazzi, scusate. Ma quando mi toglieranno lo status di Curious George?
  6. I have to show you something really HUGE! Can anyone please tell me how to update pictures directly from my pc? (without using URL)
  7. Hello there! I'd like to upload images but I don't understand how to do it. Can anyone please illuminate me?
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