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Posts posted by ormi

  1. Ormi:

    Your planes had some rotation issues with the gear, that's why they were veering off course. They were literally trying to go in two directions at once. I rotated them straight and lowered them a bit. If the slant is too high an angle on the runway, the front wheel tends to lose contact and put pressure on the rear wheels before you're ready to lift off. Combine that with the off-rotation, and it was causing you to lose control.

    Thanks a lot ! I never thought to check the wheels... :confused:

  2. ormi: I suggest taxiing slowly off the runway first, and taking off from the grass. The runway is very bumpy, it's a known issue even at stock scale but RSS makes it worse. Not sure why the temperature is screwy, I'll chalk it up to 1.0.4 issues...

    Thanks NathanKell,

    I've tried to take-off from the grass, but the plane has the same behavior : it turn to side and the pilot cant keep it strait. (And I'm not better...)

    To illustrate my problem I've made a small video :

    It is entirely possible that it's a normal behavior or that I make an obvious mistake but I cant see what.

  3. Hello,

    I've a problem with every plane I try to build in RSS-RO : I'm unable to keep them in strait line on the runway.

    I'm not sure if it's a bug or something I do wrong each time.

    Here are 2 craft files :



    And an output_log of a crash on the runway with plane 2 :


    It's may be unrelated, but there is some temperature gauges before starting the engine :


    Is this a known bug or do I make a very silly mistake ?

    I've tryied to reinstall everything from scratch with the following addons but nothing changed:

    KSP: 1.0.4 (Win32) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Windows 8.1 (6.3.10240) 64bit

    Filter Extensions - 2.4.1

    Advanced Jet Engine - 2.4.1

    B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40

    Community Resource Pack - 0.4.4

    Connected Living Space -

    Contract Configurator - 1.7.3

    CustomBarnKit - 1.1.1

    Deadly Reentry - 7.2.2

    Ferram Aerospace Research -

    Firespitter - 7.1.4

    Kerbal Construction Time - 1.2.2

    Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.4

    KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5

    ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.1.1

    Procedural Parts - 1.1.7

    RealChute -

    RealismOverhaul - 10.3.1

    RealSolarSystem - 10.2

    RemoteTech - 1.6.8

    Saturatable RW - 1.10.2

    SolverEngines - 1.11

    TextureReplacer - 2.4.8

    TAC Life Support -

    VenStockRevamp - 1.8

  4. So I just got this error when trying to update FAR:

    I do not know why this has happened. Everything exists there in terms of the path. Hopefully you guys can help, as it seems the only solution is to reinstall realism overhaul with FAR.

    It's a known issue, you probably don't have the VAB/SPH folder in the Ships directory anymore : https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-core/issues/3

    ckan delete them when uninstalling FAR and is prevented to recreate them.

    Manually recreating them should allow FAR to install correctly.

  5. Decided to try Interstellar. I saw a post a few pages back regarding the resource data, and I see where the config was updated, but I'm still having an issue.

    This is what the spectrometer shows with only Interstellar:


    When I add the BoulderCo folder, I get this:


    This is with 2-14 aggressive, but I tried basic as well. I started to try and mess with the config file myself, but I figured I'd post it here first. :)

    I've the same problem with the 2-14 aggressive version. Here is an output_log with only KSPI : output_log.zip

  6. Hello !

    The version 0.11.1 works much better form me, but all the bugs are not gone :(

    The fix for the plot of the Departure Orbit in the compute departure windows works well, but if I switch to the Transfer Orbit display the graph is blank :


    Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
    Error in plotTransferOrbit (line 18)
    Error in departDisplayGUI>plotDisplayPanel_SelectionChangeFcn (line 178)
    Error in gui_mainfcn (line 96)
    Error in departDisplayGUI (line 42)
    Error in @(hObject,eventdata)departDisplayGUI('plotDisplayPanel_SelectionChangeFcn',get(hObject,'SelectedObject'),eventdata,guidata(get(hObject,'SelectedObject')))
    Error in hgfeval (line 63)
    Error in uitools.uibuttongroup/childAddedCbk>manageButtons (line 79)
    Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

    And the departure graph doesn't show anymore :


    Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
    Error in plotBodyDepartOrbit (line 7)
    Error in departDisplayGUI>plotDisplayPanel_SelectionChangeFcn (line 176)
    Error in gui_mainfcn (line 96)
    Error in departDisplayGUI (line 42)
    Error in @(hObject,eventdata)departDisplayGUI('plotDisplayPanel_SelectionChangeFcn',get(hObject,'SelectedObject'),eventdata,guidata(get(hObject,'SelectedObject')))
    Error in hgfeval (line 63)
    Error in uitools.uibuttongroup/childAddedCbk>manageButtons (line 79)
    Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

    I don't have the error in the Flyby sequencer anymore (and I indeed ran the FMS with default setting to reproduce the error more easily) and it seems to compute well. The problem is still with the plots : the transfer orbit works, but neither the departure orbit nor the flyby orbit. This time without any log entries.



    I didn't try the others tools yet, I'll probably encounter the same sort of bug there... I'll keep you informed :wink:

    Beside that, none of those bugs affects the calculations and it's a great tool really easy to use, especially with the new plugin :)

  7. Hi! Your problem is that no point in the porkchop plot is simultaneously A) less than the maximum delta-v in the options menu (Edit -> Options -> Max. Delta-V to Plot) and B) has an arrival date greater than its departure date (which is obviously necessary). Do not use a Moho earliest arrival of 0. Instead, use your Kerbin earliest departure of 2075910.59. Alternatively, set your max delta-v to plot to something like 100 km/s. I would recommend the first solution, but both should resolve your issue.

    Let me know how that works. Thanks for using KSP TOT!

    EDIT: for going to Moho from Kerbin, you're probably going to need to update your options. Use a max delta-v of 20, 75 points per axis, and look over 2 synodic periods. Should work better than the defaults. :)

    When I do so, I get something like this:


    Thanks !

    I now understand a lot more how to use it. I had tried setting the earliest arrival with the same date as the earliest departure without effect, but the fact is I did not realize at the time that the Earliest Departure Time and Earliest Arrival Time parameters are used as a reference for the plot, and the Synodic period for time scale.

    From a user point of view, it still doesn't make sense that the optimiser (in the textbox at the bottom) give a result with a departure date in the past, even if the arrival date is future. In this case it may be better to replace the optimizer output by a message suggesting to tweak the options.

    Anyway, I still have a problem :

    After playing with the options, I finally have a nice graph (almost as important as the departure windows :D ) but the Computed Departure Burn windows seems weird.



    I tested with a transfer from Kerbin to Duna starting at day 1 like the tutorial, the figures are the same, but the graph is buggy.



    The problem (or another one...) appears to be present in the others tools to. The flyby throw some error after the particle swarm optimisation :


    Starting matlabpool using the 'local' profile ... connected to 6 workers.

    Swarming...Warning: Ignoring extra legend entries.
    [> In legend at 286
    In psoplotbestf at 26
    In pso at 550
    In flyByManeuverSequencer>computeFlybyManSeqButton_Callback at 613
    In gui_mainfcn at 96
    In flyByManeuverSequencer at 42
    In @(hObject,eventdata)flyByManeuverSequencer('computeFlybyManSeqButton_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))]

    Reached limit of 75 iterations

    Best point before hybrid function: [5.6072e+07 3.9105e+06 5.9219e+06]

    Turning over to hybrid function fmincon...

    Local minimum possible. Constraints satisfied.

    fmincon stopped because the size of the current step is less than
    the selected value of the step size tolerance and constraints are
    satisfied to within the default value of the constraint tolerance.

    Final best point: [5.6072e+07 3.9105e+06 5.9219e+06]

    I reinstalled the MATLAB runtime without effect, what can I try now ?

  8. Hello,

    I encountered a bug on win8 x64 with the version 0.11. First time I try this tool, so I don't know if it was working in an older version.

    Here are the steps I use to reproduce the problem :

    1. Open KSPTOT
    2. Departure Kerbin
    3. Get UT by KSP (2075910.59 or anything more than 20 days)
    4. Arrival Moho
    5. Let 0 (or anything below 29 days)
    6. Compute Porkchop Plot

    Result :

    It seems to want me to travel back in the past :confused:


    With an Earliest Arrival Time at 28 days :


    29 days :


    30 days :



    Also, the tooltip is under the scale on the right :


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