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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Happens to me too, I switch to map view back to vessel, and normal view is set, but any new launch starts in orbit view
  2. Have a look on that, because I was thinking my craft is not loaded, until I found that a couple of upper parts were showing a little above te VAB ground. It is like the ship is loaded, but below the ground level, and only the top of the ship shows a little.
  3. +1 Agree, I think like was posted in other suggestion, to add something like patches for success missions, or different color badges. Maybe different colors for different tasks the kerbonauts can take, good piloting can go blue (some actions can be automated), good engeenier (can repair) in Red, and scientist in yellow (can do science in plantes surfaces). All of them with their different tooks attached to their spacesuits.
  4. I think it is a matter of reaching actions with a single kerbonaut. I.e. I landed at mun with a kerbonaut, and came back safe to kerbin, I can then put a patch or change the spacesuit color, to reuse him in a future mission to dunna, I can identify he quickly at the kerbonauts list, because reminds me that he was the chosen one and I will enforce to keep him alive to add to him new patches or color bands, and if I lose him, I will have to start with a vanilla kerbonaut again.
  5. This would be great to put a probe in Jool atmosphere, without risks of aerobraking or failing. You can put a permanent station wiht Kerbonauts in Jool as well using balloons
  6. I bought KSP some months ago, and after enjoying the game and this server posts, I think it is time to say hi and try to collaborate if I can. I want to say that KSP it is amazing, I downloaded the demo after finding a video in youtube, and took me 15 minutes playing the demo to buy the full program, and now I own two versions, Steam and non Steam, I do now want to miss any update (and I keep Steam version vanilla, and the other version it is full of mods for testing crazy ideas) That is all, we will see arrond here!
  7. This would be a nice must have, I do not see cons, I have made thinks unbelievable saving the three orange guys (Jeb/Bob/Bill) than for any other kerbonaut. Ideally something in-game where you can set colors to each part of each suit ... even more complex than two colors, main and details, but with multiple areas in the suit where the colors can be updated. But just the chance to update the two main colors would be great.
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