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Everything posted by GroxGlitch

  1. 'Aight, found the output log. Shall I just copy-paste it or do something else?
  2. Tried that, with module manager both present and removed; from what I can tell it looks like FAR needs ModuleManager to run anyway; either way I get no context options to close the cargo bay doors or anything. On a related note, I get readouts from FAR on the parts (something like partShielded = 0 and that kinda stuff, don't recall what it says verbatim at the moment), so I'm not really sure what is going on. It's quite a conundrum.
  3. Indeed it is, already checked that, just double-checked to be sure.
  4. I've run into a little problem, neither of the cargo bays work, or are even interactable. I culled all of my mods down to the newest versions of SP+, FAR, and Firespitter and still no go on the cargo bays opening/closing, which IIRC is pretty big regarding trying to make functional aircraft with FAR installed. I am wholly at a loss as to what the cause is, and I've been working upwards of an hour on it. On an unrelated note, great mod, great to see it added to stock. Fits quite well and as a spaceplane junkie I quite love it.
  5. I'd love to see a fusion reactor, but I have to nitpick - a fusion reactor wouldn't output water or oxygen. If you're fusing hydrogen isotopes, deuterium and tritium if I recall correctly, into helium, the byproduct is, I believe, one helium molecule and a free Neutron for every Deuterium and Tritium molecule fused. What you're probably thinking of there is a fuel cell.
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