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  1. Welcome! And that's really good for day 1 lol. So keep at it
  2. Hello everyone! Hope everyone is keeping the explosions and random premature staging down to a minimum (Or go crazy with it, If that's what you prefer, But honestly, Think of all those dead little green guys... Think of Jeb) Fairly new to KSP in general, Tried the game out through a friends recommendation. And loved it. Anyways, Ended up buying the game due to the sheer amount of time I expected myself to spend in it, not to mention that I have been having a blast (quite literally in some cases) And it, Unlike some Steam Early Access games, Seems to have a extremely large amount of potential. So far my accomplishments list is rather small, Mainly getting a ship into a sustained circular orbit around Kerbin, And returning. Next is to set up a small refueling station for my Mün visits at a later date. Anyways. Looking forward to causing chaos with you all... And hell, Possibly even launch some rockets in the meantime.
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