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It only takes that one mishap with Time warp on some of your first missions to set you back..... But because Missions work the way they do you can always get more funds. I would like to see missions where the up front pay is put into the completion fund, and you have to complete them on starting funds (which would obviously be adjusted for this). I feel it's to easy to get emergency funds right now by just accepting a bunch of missions, then completing some of the larger pay out ones, even if you don't complete a few others you'll recoup the cost regardless and you just work your way up from there. Oh I am a big fan of graphs so hint hint to modders (I lack the time currently) or perhaps I can not spend free time playing KSP and try modding it xD.
My name is Vohjiin and I am a Kerbalohlic. My Wife is to busy getting freaked out while playing Outlast, but on occasion say for example, oh a certain pivotal moment in my KPS program regarding a first Manned Mun landing she will comment "I heard an explosion, did you blow up again?"... Me: "Yes...*sigh*...yes I did" Wife: "You know your suppose to land slowly right? and not hit the ground going 1000mph..." Me: "It's km/s :(" Wife: "noob" Me: "So how is your cheat codes working out for ya on Outlast... You uh.. having any troubles in the game so far? Not that the enemies do no damage or anything..." Wife: "Hey, I was tired of stuff scaring the crap out of me then killing me..." Me: "noob" Wife: *glare* Me: *glare* Wife: "Well played worthy adversary..." Me: "Well played..." *side note I time warped into the Mun at 1200km/s*
Ship designs and modification really, I am taking this time as a sort of research and development period on ship designs, capability, and performance. I start a fresh career and work through the tech tree at a slower pace and design ships and rockets with the parts available, this has actually help me a lot in deciding what parts I want/need to go for first for my new career. This way when .24 drops and I start a new career and take on the contracts and budget I have any idea of what to design and use. Of course it will be interesting to see if the prices of parts stay the same or if they become adjusted with the new version and is something you can only plan for so much.
I have been holding off on a type of Website / blog for my space agency until KSP gets much further along maybe close to release.....? I have a huge text document where I marked down flights and firsts along with accomplishments I will use to fill in this site/Blog as I want to do this when the game is closer to being final. Not sure why exactly I take everything I do now as a sort of "Training" for my space program. NCSA: Neblian Company Space Agency No fancy logo just a quick flag I had done ages ago:
I play Kerbal Space Program for the main reason it's the only Space Sim game like it. I have played many games that attempt a space simulation, everything from Orbiter to more SciFi stuff but nothing had what I wanted. Nothing had the ability to really let me build a rocket, launch it and land on more then just the moon. There was a few games that allowed you to do this but they either were focused on the landing part or building the rocket part, you skipped entire sections/features of the game to where they was fun but not what I was hoping for. I even went so far myself to write an entire Game Design document for this idea alone, a game where you picked parts put them together to build your rocket, your pobes, everything. All it did was sit there and gather more idea's as at the time I hadn't the capability to bring it to life. Then I find Kerbal Space Program.... that not only gave me everything I would have wanted... and honestly this is why KSP is so popular it appeals to all area's of Space travel and provides game play for that. Most importantly it presented it all in this wonderful and humorous universe that has its brilliant serious side but enough fun and laughter to make it all just feel so good to play. I play KSP because it lets me do the things I just can not IRL, it lets me make my own missions, my own stories. Lets me play as a Space program manager, a builder, an explorer of other worlds. It honestly gives me a sense of wonder and excitement when I can get my weird contraptions to land on other worlds and doesn't slap my wrists for the obvious denial of gravity and physical laws. Though I'm sure the amount of times I have face palmed over my mistakes more then made up for it. I play KSP..because it's KSP
but... but... you'll reappear at the astronaut complex if you die....
Please..I just now finally landed a probe on another planet..and I had to crash my Probe station and all 4 landers that were attached into the eve's atmosphere just so I could get 2 of them to land....Of course there solar panels wouldn't open so they were dead in the water. Entry did significant damage to the probes..well because they were attached to other parts, parachutes were, opened stuff broke, you know kerbal stuff. I have yet to return a kerbal safely from landing on the Mun or Minmus though I'm sure I can. I landed on the Mun only with kerbals but ugh decent stage got a little haywire and I ran out of fuel and well lost a few brave hero's. But I do have a 1500+ parts space station in Kerbin orbit that took 20 launches to make...I'm good at docking now at least
SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here
Vohjiin replied to tsunam1's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
NCSA (Neblian Company Space Agency) - KES Station I Currently at a 100k orbit around Kerbin, though it is capable of interplanetary travel when the engine module is docked and locked down(Docking spot is top far right). But given the wobblyness of the station and the fact I had no other space stations around Kerbin it was decided to keep it bound to Kerbin SOI. Shot of the uh.. "High Power communication antenna" taken shortly before the docking of fuel cells. -
Crashing 4 probes and a satellite into Eve and managing to get at least 2 of the landers to actually...well land, though with no power and severe damage they went dead on touchdown. It was suppose to be a Satellite that orbited and release 4 minor lander probes across Eve in a sort of mass probe sweep of the planet. Got intercept Wrong...burned to much fuel..time warped through Aerobrake by accident, used all RCS just to ensure Eve capture, no fuel left for Orbit correction, decided I would just let the whole thing crash in and release probes as I went in hopes they survived. BUT I finally made it to another planet(first), I at least did 1 orbit around that planet(first) and I managed to land something that worked if only for roughly half of the Eve day(also a first). So Many firsts for me on that one
Did another attempt at probe to other planets as the farthest I have gotten was Minmus. Though I have several interplanetary ships and stations in orbit I hadn't acutally sent anything out yet. I got hooked on docking stuff..it was amazing how fun just that is. So I put into Orbit a probe station with the intent of launching it to Eve and dropping the 4 small lander probes in different area's of the planet to gather data. Since I had been working, this was the first time getting back into KSP after a few weeks and of course mistakes were made. I didn't put de-orbiting engines on the probe landers though they have fuel for an engine if they had one.. Not to waste the tech and time put into orbiting the craft I decided it would do a series of orbits releasing probes into low orbit to Aerobrake for capture and landing. To do this I had to Aerobrake the entire craft which ended up going very badly, first I missed the initial Eve capture and was frantically burning fuel to get some kind of orbit. Then when I had maxed out all my fuel to get an orbit, I made it to low and the entire craft was on a collision course. Only 2 out of 4 probes landed, both DOD due to battery damage and the solar panels not being extended in time. BUT I did finally land a probe on some other world...even if it doesn't work it's there and my first
After ~25 launches and many many hours I was able to call this complete: https://imageshack.com/i/f7mwfkp At this point in the game I had just landed 2 probes on the Mun and 1 on Minmus. But I built a Planetary Space Ship in kerbal orbit that could take me anywhere... Well that was until I did it's first "burn" test. Needless to say there is a reason the Engine Module is no longer attached at the back end of the space ship( Top-Right corner of image opposite of the solar panels). There was a minor issue with one of the Nuclear rockets and some particle effects.... some debris....but I was able to jettison the engine module and stabilize the ship before it's orbit was compromised. It is now my Low Kerbin Orbital Space station...and by low I mean at the fringe of whats acceptable to stay in orbit... I was just happy I could save it from falling home. The screenshot was at it's construction distance of over 300K+. I had, at any one time, 3-4 launches all making rendezvous with the ship so I needed the distance.
So anyone else thought about landing an asteroid on kerbin.... because I know my space center could use a nice lawn ornament...
GIVEAWAY: KSP inspired prints I made a while back - Info inside!
Vohjiin replied to HamSuckle's topic in KSP Fan Works
posters....! -
I can't get a kerbal on the mun or build a working air plane but I can build a huge star-trek ship in orbit ...somethings wrong I'm going backwards.....o.O