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Everything posted by m0thm

  1. This would be great with a fully working arm controled IVA like in the sguttle has to grab hold of and stablize the sat before you EVA to fix/upgrade which could also be helped by use of a second arm. I belive this is what they do to cut down on the effort of EVA manovers.
  2. I too can not wait for something like this. I am looking forward to the next update with the R&D coming plus a core coded subassembly system should be great.
  3. Thanks missed that on my read through ... must check the connection between my eays and brain.
  4. Ok so have tried both realseases with the lateset Kerbal release on Ubuntu 13.04. KSP crashes on moving to the launch pad. no button apears in time for me to stop any recording etc. Laucncher loads but never gets to the point where i can launch it.
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