I recently created a photon engine that only uses electric charge, and since then I and my father have both been trying and failing to make a single-stage-to-orbit craft with them. Now, credit where it's due, my dad technically made an SSTO. That takes an hour to get into orbit. That's not what this is about. This is about whether or not you can make a ship with this engine where I simply launch it with MechJeb, and then at 22,500 meters, I deploy any equipped solar panels. (Based on testing that's the lowest you can safely deploy panels at.) Engine Download: Linkzorz List of Rules: No clever tricks like "You have to stay at 8 m/s vertical speed until 5,000m and then increase to 20 m/s". If the instructions you have to give for launching go beyond "Deploy solar panels at 25km instead of 22.5" or "Action group 3 locks the gimbals" in order for the craft to get to orbit, it's probably a clever trick. You have to give a download link for the craft file so people (like me) can make sure it actually makes it into orbit. You cannot USE any fuel types for this craft - if you want to attach dead weight, be my guest. This does not include RCS, but if you manage it without RCS, then it's 100% reusable and is therefore BETTER.