Since I installed Fusebox KSP started to crash roughly every hour in VAB or 1.5 - 2 hours in space without intermission. I can avoid that by switching to the space center every once in a while but I think this isn't how it's supposed to be.^^ After some further investigation the memory allocation error causing the game to crash seems to be related to Fusebox. I use only a few mods, so just tried it out by removing one mod while using the other mods. I took some time because I had to wait around an hour per mod. The only time it did not crash after approximately one hour was when I removed Fusebox. (Yeah, you already guessed that^^') Even after two hours the game was running fine. While doing these tests I had an eye on KSP's memory usage. Without Fusebox the memory usage eventually settled down to a certain level (around 1500 MB), with Fusebox it kept constantly growing and causing CTD after reaching KSP's memory limitations. It might be not only caused by Fusebox on its own, but being a side effect of a combination of mods. I didn't have enough time to figure that out. The mods I use (besides Fusebox) are: Chatterer TextureReplacer Targetron Kerbal Alarm Clock Toolbar Lazor System Kerbal GPS (Figaro Global Navigation Satellite System) SCANsat some very basic part mods (meaning they only consist of part.cfg, model and texture so it's unlikely they have anything to do with that problem)