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Everything posted by Dr.ripsaw

  1. Crew transporter/ refueler entry Name of utility: Patronious Weight: 25.91 tonnes Built in the VAB, totaling 53 parts Download: http://www./download/ib3gzbt92xzs0dl/Patronious.craft Description: 3 crew transporter capable of transporting 3 kerbals from the munar surface and dock with stations. Capable of at least 3 trips to and from stations up to 25 Km in munar orbit. Can act as a refueling craft. Very stable and has ample power, making it easy to land (can actually take off from launch pad after a few seconds! Impressive for nuclear engines) Complete with a standard docking port at the bottom of the craft and a mini port at the top. All ports are lit and landing lights available too for night landings. It is also possible to land on the docking port of the new large fuel tanker in order to refuel (you need to land on the top port). The fuel lines, RCS and lights are subtly placed to avoid ruining the looks. Testing: -Started on the Mun's surface with full fuel. - Got into a 25KM orbit and docked with a station - Undocked and landed back on the Mun - Repeated procedure. Results: 3 complete trips to and from the space station without refuel and a little bit to spare. Enjoy!
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