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Everything posted by airplaneman777

  1. Hello all, got a new MacBook Pro and trying to download KSP. Every time I try to download KSP, it gives me an error with network timeout has occurred. The one time I was able to get it to download, it would not install because the security certificate is not updated. Any ideas?
  2. Ya I will try the workaround tonight when I get off work. Learning the Mac way has proven difficult, as my last 30 years have been Windows! What is the difference between KSP regular download and KSP installer download on the website?
  3. I bought a new Mac (first time Mac user), been using KSP on PC for a while. I can't seem to even install KSP on the Mac. It will either lock up on building assets definitions or lock up about halfway through. It won't freeze, just basically stops installing. I've tried both the installer and regular one, any suggestions??? Thanks!
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