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Biff Ironbarge

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Posts posted by Biff Ironbarge

  1. A question: did you get a screenshot of the end flight/F3 log? It will tell you what your maximum airspeed overland is, even if you didn't screenshot it. Im jusat curious, because it would be neat to have a competitor who is close to my score. Nice job with 4,008, but I wonder if you beat me in 'Highest speed over land', which is standard for the Machingbird challenge.

    Unfortunately I did not look at it when I actually did the flight, and when I went back to check the F3 log it just gave me the highest speed it had recorded since I clicked back to the craft. Should have thought to look at it when I first took it out into orbit, but I forgot.

    I know for sure it was not going 111+ m/s faster than recorded, though, so I figure you're still in first place :P

  2. Just took a couple shots of my first entry:



    ...and, unfortunately I can't beat Skyhawk's entry. Even so, I should present the Infiniglide Spider Web 3! I just copy-pasted the original wings and for some reason the game decided the collisions in the outer ring were no big deal.



    The result: Harely's woes as test pilot were rewarded with a wing-powered trip to interstellar space.


    Highest recorded speed in atmosphere: a bit over 4008 m/s, but I didn't get a screencap of anything higher than 4008.

  3. Hey guys, long-time lurker here, finally breaking my forum silence to submit my .20 version of the infiniglider I built back in .17 - the Infiniglide Spider Web! I think my original could manage about 1200 m/s, but I've made a few improvements with the new model (moar flaps and struts!) and, well...


    I ran into the same troubles AgentPaper did... at low altitudes the thing would disintegrate once it hit about 1600 m/s. It was endlessly entertaining to watch all the wings shred off and spiral around the cockpit, but after many failed attempts I decided to fly carefully for the sake of poor Harely's new heart condition. Ended up having to cruise up to 2 km and then start barrel rolling this thing into lunacy.

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