Hello everybody, I was hoping y'all could help me with a little issue I have with a lander/rover I built, a very strange issue that I have never come across. I made a lander/rover to go to the mun to be a fuel tanker for kethane mining. I got the rig into a 100km orbit and began my transfer burn to the mun when I ran out of fuel in the ascent stage portion of the rocket as I expected when I separated to use my atomic engine and it would not burn, it showed as if it had no fuel but I was certain I had made it with all cross-feed capable parts. So I said "no bother" "I'll just use the rockets on the lander, 90* out, it will add a challenge" but after I separated from the atomic engine the rover began to spin uncontrollably. So I thought perhaps it was only due to the separation so I countered the rotation and watched it slow, but once I released control it began spinning faster. Then I figured the wheels on the rover were perhaps moving and causing some inertial spin so I carefully clicked each wheel and disabling the motor on them. Even still after this and disabling the reaction wheels on the command modules it was all to no avail, even the RCS couldn't completely stop the spinning. So how could I fix this.... You will see that I have attached the craft file and save file along with a rar with the mods I have installed. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. There is one battery part in there that isnt from a mod or part pack its one I edited. Its the 4k battery, I made it an 8k. sorry about the audio. youtube video -->
Link for game files - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23147727/slickit%20kerbal%20stuff.zip