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El Coronel

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Is there any way to edit a save game to reveal kethane on a given planet? I had to reinstall KSP so lost my save (I forgot to save the file) and don't really want to scan Kerbin and Mun again. Thanks.
  2. Yeah, there will be KSP related emotes. Found a site that shows all the badges and backgrounds etc etc on it, so you can check there when they get put up. www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?showcase-filter-recadded
  3. Nothing special, once you get to level 5 (which you could already be there if you have enough games), you can have profile backgrounds, emotes, extra friend spaces (never knew there was a limit) and profile showcases.
  4. Any idea what the badge looks like? I wanna know before I sell mine.
  5. Or you could make life easier on yourself and have the first flight manned and drop off a satellite. Then you can burn on the otherside of Kerbin.
  6. Depends what you mean by waiting, but surely you only need to burn directly opposite KSC to bring ap/pe to 2678 (or whatever), then when you pass over KSC burn to circularise?
  7. Haha, just noticed the helmet. Poor guy. Well you did the important part anyhoo, congrats!
  8. Yeah, only use I can think of as of now is RemoteTech mod.
  9. 1/ Revive a month old thread? 2/ Who are you berating? If the last poster, having MechJeb doesn't necesarily mean it was used to dock or achieve a rendevous. 3/ People play how they want, it's their game. I agree, it's far more fun do do it the first time without auto-pilot but I wouldn't tell other people what to do.
  10. Heard about it ages ago but never took much notice. Then it came to steam so I played the demo, fell in love and bought the game the same day. To the detriment of my revision.
  11. I was getting this 625 part guy (minus the rockets) to Duna when it randomly collapsed (I guess, there were no explosions. It just gave up on me lol). My impractical refueling station which can attach 32 large orange tanks on the bottom, mainly just to see whether I could do it.
  12. My space agency so far; doing okay but had a small accident in Duna orbit :/
  13. Perhaps post a picture? Then we can see what's going on with your wheels. Here are my two designs, both of which have yet to fail me unless I do a turn at 20m/s or something like that. I agree with your point about axles and clearance, so it's necessary to make your own. I've shown under body shots too which may help. Rover: Jeep: Edit: How does one attach pictures? I posted links from steam.
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