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Everything posted by TomcatMVD

  1. Thanks. I added something from the mod to the ship but didn't see any MechJeb button or anything like that.
  2. Hit "R" to activate it just like with your thrusters.
  3. Yes! That'd do. Thank you very much my dear Lord of the Sith
  4. Thanks! I installed Mechjeb hoping it was the mod that would show all the ship's information as you build it in the VAB, but couldn't make it happen. I'll fiddle around with it a little more, but I definitely don't want it to fly for myself, at least not yet.
  5. Thanks! I was able to launch a second MAPSAT yesterday and put it in a pretty much circularized polar orbit, that mod is really a great addition to the game. Next stop: Probing the Mün.
  6. Thanks everyone. I was able to find the ISA SATMAP DevBuild for .20 and it seems to be working fine. I am struggling now to create a proper polar orbit. I was able to successfully launch one but its orbit is a bit off so I'm missing the North and South poles in my map. I'll try to put one in a proper polar orbit tonight.
  7. He he... I call it a COMSAT just to amuse myself and pretend it's more than just a bit of junk flailing purposelessly around Kerbin. Thanks for the info, it's a bummer the SATMAP is not available for .20 .
  8. Hello fellow kerbanauts, I'm a low-timer KSP player (owned the game since two days ago) and have been reading a lot around these forums having enjoyed it very much. I was surprised though that I couldn't find any sticky threads outlining the "Must-have" add-ons as recommended to any newcomer (I like to think I did a thorough search, and found a couple of rather old threads, sorry if I missed it), so I was wondering whether you could point out the 2 or 3 most important add-ons to have. I think I'm particularly interested on whatever mod it is that you guys use that'd show the technical details of the spacecraft as you build it, such as the Delta/V. I'm assuming that's a mod because I couldn't find it anywhere in the vanilla game. I've read about the "mapsat" mod and I definitely want that one too, I'd appreciate a link to its current version. The mining stuff seems pretty interesting too, but I guess it'll be a while before I land on any "mineable" surface. I am trying to follow a step by step progressive approach to my "Space Program". I have successfully put a probe in orbit, a manned capsule (which made it back successfully too) and a "COMSAT". I'm about to put up some more sats (the mapping one would be neat) and then start my "Moonshot" program, probably with an orbiting probe first and then a mapping sat. Anyway, that's me. Thanks in advance for your help
  9. This is funny. I was going to keep orbiting these forums without actually introducing myself, then I couldn't help but see my own story reflected in yours (albeit written in a much better way than I could ever hope for). I've been a gamer and a STEAM user for a while now, and have seen KSP pop up here and there, never paying much attention to it. After all, I'm a bit of an experienced flight simmer so it wasn't hard for me to dismiss this as a childish-looking puzzle-centered dull contraption of a game. That was until I decided to try out the demo two days ago. It didn't take long; yesterday I treated myself to my very own birthday present and bought the darn thing (can't wait for the finished game). Putting a lousy probe in orbit felt like such an accomplishment, I know now I'm hopelessly hooked. So I'll briefly hi-jack your thread here to report myself in, and tell everyone I've been thoroughly enjoying every corner of these forums. I'm sure I'll be posting my fair share of questions in due time. Cheers!
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