Hello fellow kerbanauts, I'm a low-timer KSP player (owned the game since two days ago) and have been reading a lot around these forums having enjoyed it very much. I was surprised though that I couldn't find any sticky threads outlining the "Must-have" add-ons as recommended to any newcomer (I like to think I did a thorough search, and found a couple of rather old threads, sorry if I missed it), so I was wondering whether you could point out the 2 or 3 most important add-ons to have. I think I'm particularly interested on whatever mod it is that you guys use that'd show the technical details of the spacecraft as you build it, such as the Delta/V. I'm assuming that's a mod because I couldn't find it anywhere in the vanilla game. I've read about the "mapsat" mod and I definitely want that one too, I'd appreciate a link to its current version. The mining stuff seems pretty interesting too, but I guess it'll be a while before I land on any "mineable" surface. I am trying to follow a step by step progressive approach to my "Space Program". I have successfully put a probe in orbit, a manned capsule (which made it back successfully too) and a "COMSAT". I'm about to put up some more sats (the mapping one would be neat) and then start my "Moonshot" program, probably with an orbiting probe first and then a mapping sat. Anyway, that's me. Thanks in advance for your help