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Posts posted by Laamapalmu

  1. Hello,

    This has probably asked before, but I only found threads about x32 version. So I just installed about 2gb of mods for 0.24.2 clean installation, I launched the game in x64 version. The KSP folder is only about 3.2gb and KSP uses about 9-10gb of ram. What does the game exactly do to use ram more than 3 times the game folder size?


    KSP, first game I've played that uses over 5gb of ram :cool:

  2. Installed couple more mods and tried to make and airplane that uses Fission Reactor. Well it was nice airplane, size of Boeing 747. I didn't save it, i ran out of Ram when i tried to start the engines. Also tried to put the reactor inside a cargo bay... nope it wont go in there, that's why it look'd dumb. The airplane is gone now. :rolleyes:

    Trying to remember the Nuclide Table.

  3. Hello.

    I'm using [0.20] Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v5.2 mod and im building a helicopter. My problem is... My helicopter flips all the time and crashes to ground. If i do same looking helicopter in game like in video, still does the same thing. Did i miss some control stuff?


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