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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I can't seem to control my vehicle very well. Basic vehicle: OKTO2 with MK16 chute on top, FL-T400 tank and LV-T30 Centers of mass, thrust, and lift all look good (as far as I know) control input test on pad works, yaw, roll, and pitch indicators show full range of movement. My tests with solid rockets worked fine, no problems at all. Full thrust takeoff, at about 1800 meters, this thing start to tip right sharply, and no amount of opposite yaw input has any effect whatsoever on correcting it. At 1/3 throttle, I can control the craft until the fuel runs out, but any higher throttle than that and it quickly goes out of control. Is it so squirrely just because there is so much thrust for a light vehicle? As I understand it, it's more efficient to be full throttle for a while after takeoff, but perhaps that's not the case here?
  2. The campaigns in the wiki are also similar to what I had in mind: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaigns
  3. Yup, it was electricity, great diagnosis UmbralRaptor, thanks!
  4. Noob here, baffled by my initial success, I can't seem to recreate it. Whipped up a quick and cheap probe launch vehicle just to mess around and start learning: OKTO2 pod, 1 RT-10 solid fuel booster, MK16 (I think) chute on top. Fired her up and up she went, deployed the chute way way way too high and took FOREVER to float down , even at 4x warp, but hey it worked. Now, trying to deploy closer to ground, the chute just won't pop, I've tried like a dozen times now. If I accidently pop it on the way up, it comes right out, but not as I'm coming down. What am I missing here. edit: rocket is stage 1, chute is stage 0
  5. Hello. I picked up KSP on the Steam sale and am enjoying it quite a bit so far. I was finally able to wrap my head around the orbiting 101 training mission thanks to pebblegarden on youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/pebblegarden?feature=watch I am very much looking forward to career mode being implemented!
  6. Thanks to those who added to the conversation. I assumed even sandbox kept track of your costs but I can't see that it does. Astropapi1's list is kind of what I had in mind, I will check out the missions too.
  7. Let me just preface this by saying I am a total noob player who has only played the first couple of tutorials and briefly glanced at sandbox mode, if my assumptions are in error, please correct me. I see career mode is coming so that's great. In the meantime, I am not terribly motivated to play in sandbox mode without some direction regarding goals. I haven't played enough to even know what these might be. Things like "reach x elevation", "3 orbits", etc, with monetary and time limitations (is time even in the game as far as development constraints? a space race might be nice). Playing with unlimited time and money just doesn't interest me very much, perhaps that will change as I continue to tinker with the game, but in the meantime I thought I would reach out to see if any noob challenges are out there, thanks.
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