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Posts posted by LTRyan

  1. 5 minutes ago, XOC2008 said:

    Is the STIR BDArmory? I thought that was in a different mod.

    Ye its part of BDArmory and I found another problem.

    I`m trying to build a SAM site with diffrent modules.. so Launch unit, Tracking Radar, Early Warning Radar etc.

    The problem is that my TR tracks the plane and soon cancel it again and loos intrest in it. So it locks for 2 secs and unlocks again.. all missile fly then into space

  2. I may found a bug. I can fire AGM114 with boresight of an radar at targets.

    AGM as many know is a laser guided weapon and shouldnt hit it

    also, the JDAMs dont hit the GPS coords... I selected the cords in the menu, selected the jdam and slew the target circle over the marked gps target. All of my bomb missed

    The FLIR Pods Camera got an like watermark mirrored picture of my hole screen.

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