Two usage questions (dev#442): 1> During atmospheric landings (like Kerbin), is there a way to use the mechjeb landing prediction to calculate a location based on the state of the ship after the next staging? For example, when the deorbit stage (engine and fuel) is decoupled from the landing stage, this will often dramatically (accurately) alter my landing prediction probably due to the differences in atmo behavior (drag?) of the lesser ship (but now it is too late to correct since the engine is gone). 2> Does the mechjeb maneuver planner adjust the burn start time accounting for the occurrence of an inevitable staging event during the burn? For example, if a staging event occurs in the middle of a circularization burn, it seems that the resulting orbit often differs from the intended orbit, particularly if the acceleration of the before and after stages is very different. How do you all handle these scenarios? I love this mod, thanks for putting in the time to keep it up and running and improving.