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    SWERV fan
  1. Can I have the coordinates for one if the moholes?
  2. Great modeling, great part, many people use it. I tried siwtched the fire key to t, that's temporary SAS. so I tried an unused key. z. nothing. I can't get it to work. I'm running a mac OSX on mountianlion, help?
  3. When I install this on OSX, all my parts dissapear except for the damned robotics parts, help?
  4. The Collins Shuttlemax is litterally a shuttle. a space shuttle. The Album of these photos can be viewed at my imgur http://sorencollins.imgur.com/ With a mass of 39.85, the collins shuttlemax is complete with 2 dockingports, rcs, and an asas module. it has 41 parts, and when in kerbin's atmosphere it get's to about 10k meters with a third of the fuel left, (has not been tested on moon) Download: http://www./?w3dhywafn5sb5wk Thank you for your time!
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