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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. The Power Trio strike a pose on Barchetta Plains.
  2. I don't mind it one bit,like you said you can always delete the debris in the tracking station, or even build a crane with KAS and clear it by picking it up and dropping it over the side of the bridge, er... launch platform.
  3. The one bug/feature of this is the old launch debris doesn't automatically clear, causes a few explosions when a ship spawns in the middle of a debris field.
  4. Launchpad...!?! We don't need no stinking launchpad!
  5. A great big thank you to Arrow star for his persistence in resolving my display issues! He put in a lot of work, all because this old man won't let "the man" tell me what my default fonts should be. Thank You Arrowstar!
  6. [quote name=Arrowstar;612784 It's probably not anything on your end. Can I get some information on your OS and graphics card? I have an idea of a possible fix' date=' but I'll have to investigate. When I've got something put together, I'll shoot you a PM with a link and you can try it out and see if the problem is resolved. (If you want to, of course!) Sounds Great OS: Win 7 Graphics card(s): Dual Nvidea GTX 765s in SLI
  7. Arrowstar, first let me thank you for your hard work and dedication to the community. The TOT is a beautiful and much needed addition to the KSP toolkit. I just happened to stumble upon it at the same time I am taking my first steps in interplanetary travel and I look forward to using it, Unfortunately I seem to have an issue no one else has reported in this thread. When I open TOT the windows look like this, As you know the windows cannot be resized so the only thing I could think to try was changing my screen resolution and that had no effect. Any suggestions?
  8. KSP is a game for geeks and nerds of all ages, well maybe not all but I've been a geek for nearly 50 years now and the game appeals to detailed oriented sciencey part of me that has been a major part of my personality all that time.
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