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  1. Very underrated youtuber is Chickenkeeper. He has some pretty good videos and he also live streams on twitch often.
  2. Thank you for your responses! I didn't realize this post went through as it had disappeared yesterday. Also I thought that was pretty cool how my alias is similar to that of one of the devs. Been using this since Warcraft 2 days
  3. Hello everyone, Just recently purchased KSP a few days ago and am enjoy my time. I've had a few successful missions to Minmus as well as Mun. I would like to know if there is a way to make an unmanned rocket that can still have a command pod on there. However, I would like it so that I could use it as a transport for Kerbals return home from other planets but not have to take any Kerbals with me for the voyage there? Also what mods (as of 0.20.2) are a necessity? I pretty much enjoy the vanilla aspect and not having to have a bunch of extra things all over my screen.
  4. Hello everyone! New to KSP as of a about three days now. I have done two successful land/return missions (one was almost a failure, so the second one was to save my Kerbal). Also had a similar situation on the Mun the first time so I have two to the Mun as well. I have now felt confident enough that I began construction of what I would like to be a Mun base and am curious as to how to build a rover? What kind of power source is needed in order for it to drive and can they be built in the VAB just like anything else or do I have to build them in hangar for jets, if so how do I transfer them over? Also what are some must have mods, as currently I am all stock. I also notice some videos show a gantry on the launch pad, mine does not have one is this also a mod? Thanks in advance!
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