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Posts posted by Tuna

  1. I don't know if any one has mentioned it yet, but has any one translated the flags yet?

    If not; here are some translations:

    Flag 1:

    12 ÃÂÿрõûь 1961 - 12 April 1961

    Òþ øüѠÃœøрð ø ßрþóрõÑÂÑÂу - In the Name of Peace and Progress

    It commemorates Yuri Gagarin's historic Vostok 1 flight.

    Flag 2:

    áûðòð Þтчø÷ýõ Óõрþõò! - Glory to Heroes of the Fatherland!

    ...Well, that's suitably Communist.

    Flag 3:

    áþòõтÑÂúþüу ÃÂðрþôу - Soviet People

    ßøþýõру ÚþÑÂüþÑÂð - Space Pioneers

    áûðòð! - Glory!

    ...Nothing to say there, really.

    Flag 3 is: "Soviet nation, the pioneer of the cosmos ! Glory !" pretty close

    and very nice turbo pumps model and textures, CBBP

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