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Posts posted by Wanderer

  1. I wouldn't say super excited, more like "interested". I am in the same boat for wanting stuff to do like mining, science and 'research' but its nice to see things advancing. If its too slow for people thats really just on them for not understanding dev processes.

  2. Landed and tipped over due to a rise and because I had started moving sideways slightly due to overthrusting a little as I tried to touch down. I had already learned about using a good RCS arrangement though so I was back on the struts in no time. Did the walk about, could just make out an arch on the Horizon (which I landed a Rover at next mission) and went home. I only just had enough fuel to splash down in the Kerbin ocean.

  3. The only vibe I am getting is maybe .21 will be ready for the end of the Steam Summer Sale... maybe. I am of course completely assuming KSP will have a discount during the period and it coincides with the influx of new people who get to start with .21. The sale is maybe starting in the next week and goes for a couple of weeks at most. So I guess I am being a pessimist and saying about 12-15 days away with a hope to be proven totally wrong???

  4. I had a station but not the one I had in mind, so thats going to be the next big project. I essentially want a proto-spacedock. Then an actual purpose built space dock. Then a large 'touring craft'. Something that could go out for a long voyage and explore everything out past Duna.

    I also plan to pre-explore everything with probes and rovers. Juggle many missions at once - though I have not yet used the Alarm Clock mod... which I expect I will need for sure.

  5. I never fail. I merely accept the many stumbles along the stairway to the heavens as, "learning how to succeed better".

    But seriously all my big fails have to do with the spacebar and the improper or panicked pressing of it at the wrong time. For this incompetence I have lost a station, at least one really good encounter after hours of waiting for the maneuver... and lets not get into time accelerating past really really important burns... a lot... embarrassingly high number.

  6. Tell that to Google, Microsoft, Apple, Android etc :D

    heh, well, thats a side effect of pushing things out the door too fast, not anything specifically planned for the most part. ;)

    And you're also dealing with a PR or 'soft launch' with things nowadays. Its been a long road tricking end users into 'being valued helpers of half completed software', oh wait, forget you saw that, um... No, the end user is a highly valued aide in the design of all software, we value any and all feedback we can recieve on this 'alpha process' *ahem* Yep.

  7. I can certainly vouch for Programmers not knowing where their part of the jigsaw fits with the whole. Not their fault usually, they need to be focused but it often leads to some links in the chain being 'inadvertently broken'. A quick meeting usually sorts it for next build.

    Edge Cases are generally my job, something I have always been good at foreseeing. Unfortunately (and sometimes fortunately) there is always that one user out there who, 'thinks a little differently' about how to do things. If it breaks things or is an exploit it gets jumped on and retested extensively, if its a issue specific to only a very small percentage of users (95% of the edge cases you'll never know about) it frankly gets left for some time later in the fix schedule. Gotta have priorities.

  8. I definitely don't mind starting over. I had a lot of craft out there, a few great landing spots building up into bases but most of the fun for me is working towards that stuff. In general, with new features and hopefully some new stock parts, it may be worth restarting anyway. As someone else said, they can't reset what I know. So most of it will be back in space far quicker and likely better. Kinda looking forward to it but I really feel for the guys who have some amazing setups they worked dozens (if not hundreds) of hours on.

  9. QA for many years (Games, Commercial Software and Engineering). Pretty much just needed to echo what jwenting said and add that end users are NEVER expected to be test candidates. On games they may do Alpha and Beta testing in the public but if you haven't noticed it's more an exercise in public relations and marketing than actual testing. Sorry but the general public are the crappiest testers you can get. At best its the shotgun approach at worst it actually makes my job so much harder because I have to manage Community expectations and crappy bug reporting on top of normal duties... and QA often gets support roles shoved down their throats to boot.

    We get very passionate about wanting to make sure the product is good to the point we get very upset if something slips through simply because of the schedule. I have not been in, or been a Lead on, a team that didn't have the next iteration or build ripped from our hands before we felt it was good to go. Of course that's why production departments need to be strict, as most QA would love to test their product way longer than is feasible financially. Unfortunately QA is usually who bares the brunt of blame and ridicule if something seemed so obviously a bug... and all I can say is if you ended up being able to read our Bugs and track our builds, I would bet 10 Million bucks that the bug was in and was even being passed around for fixes but there is this wonderful little option in the Bug reporting software that gets overused near ship date.... AS DESIGNED. ;)

  10. I built up to a full rendezvous and docking by first just launching a couple of modules that were docked the wrong way around. So undocking them then reorienting (and moving one off to the side to make it a little harder) and redocking. Super easy, but I got a feel for the controls and the sensitivity.

    I feel like I had complete beginners luck on my first rendezvous though. I think my first go took about 25 mins. Next time I had some real issues and it was over an hour of overshoots and retries from quicksave. I would mostly just run out of mono-propellent.

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