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  1. Finally, I got Jeb to land on the Mun safely, take off, and get home. It took about a dozen tries, but I did it. I know to most people, this is child's play, but I only use MechJeb for ascent from Kerbin, and my building skills aren't too good.
  2. Had another epic fail last night. After failing to land my pod upright several times on the mun due to idiocy on my part(see landing strut issue above), and my utter inability to properly kill horizontal motion, I finally landed properly last night. I went to take Jeb out on a munwalk to plant the Gamercow Kerbal Space Program flag, and... *thunk* *thunk* *thunk* I had placed the mechjeb module RIGHT on top of the hatch. *facepalm* I also didn't have enough fuel to get back home, but that's a different matter.
  3. Biggest fail was not realizing I had only put one strut on my lander until it was too late, and I was in Mun orbit. There are other things wrong with that vehicle, but even Jeb seems to be laughing at me.
  4. Hello all! Been playing for about a month, but not nearly as much as I would like to be. Managed a few small feats, will be adding the ribbons soon. I'm a decent pilot, but a horrible rocket designer. I run vanilla currently, but that may change. Current task: manned mun landing and return. So far I've only managed the first half, I never have enough fuel to make it home.
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