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Everything posted by reenact12321

  1. I like your rocket so much I even took it on my first successful trip to minmus! Thanks again. Only things I may tweak, a few more RCS points on the CM, it's a tad sluggish, though I do appreciate that being better than crazy movement. Thought about giving the LM RCS, but haven't decided. Oh, if you were to put the SAS module somewhere else, and the docking ports of the two modules were right up against each other, can you move the kerbals through? If not, I hope they add that eventually
  2. I really liked your rocket. I have been wanting to tinker with the apollo style of docking etc, but wasn't sure how to work it into the stages and your way of doing it was really good I thought. I took it out for a flight without changing anything and noticed that you had merged the whole lifter stage into one pretty much, it works but I tried a rotary detachment (2 engines/tanks at a time) for a slightly more controlled (and I think, but am not sure) little more efficient take off. Either way, once in orbit, moving out to the moon was pretty friendly, I got into a moon orbit with plenty of leftover fuel (this could easily be a minimus rocket). I used a 20K orbit, I EVAd a kerbel down to the LM before hitting any of the stages to attach the two. I do have to ask how you got the two docking ports to dock in the design. Or was that done in a mod? Other than the experiment with staged lift-off I really wouldn't change a thing. The lander actually had so much fuel left in it, I took the whole thing back up, it got me pretty close to the CM before I dumped it and then used the Ascent Moduel to get close. I buggered the rendevous (forgot to remove the escape tower) but I'm pretty sure it could have gotten back to earth without too much trouble. Heck, I'm pretty sure the lander could have made it back to earth on its own. I still can't figure out why your design overheats more than some of my own with lots of main sails. Does the weight actually affect the overheat? Kudos on a really cool rocket. Thanks for sharing!
  3. I'm so glad someone completed this rocket successfully. I've been trying to play with more advanced rockets (namely multi stages and having docking ports) but I couldn't figure out how to assemble this one. I put the CM together and then the LM, but couldn't figure out how to attach the LM to the poodle rocket stage. The docking port on top just didn't seem to allow it to snap to any of the other parts. Even the picture shows it sort of floating off below the rocket. I tried attaching the decoupler (the blue explosive one, I forget the name) to the port and that seems to work but then it won't let the whole unit snap to the poodle engine on the bottom of the CM section. Could you please post your craft file as, it would answer a lot of questions about design technique for me. Thanks!
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