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Everything posted by Aaronk214

  1. So from what I understood from the original post is that this mod allows for orbital construction? Not by flying parts up and docking them, but by building a craft in the nab and then having to launch the needed parts and then it appears?
  2. Yeah it works...I currently have two copies, .23 with alternis and a .22 that was an old forgotten backup. I think I might start making backups of all versions so I can play with them in the future to see how far the game has come.
  3. I was hoping to have feedback with someone with experience like yours! Thanks for the great feedback! I most certainly don't want to come across as unteachable. Also, I really like the idea of KerbalEDU and will check into it. I understand that KSP is just a game, and not a great representation of life, so I planned on keeping any essay I did on it and putting it in a portfolio.
  4. Wow, thanks for all the feedback!! I most definitely do not wanna come across as a know-it-all and didn't plan on focusing the entire app on it. I meant to write a paper about it and put it among other papers and projects from the past. I have given Orbiter serious thought, but am not too keen on it. The apps are due very soon and I do not want to focus all my time on a video game as I have a very big project I'm working on for my class at the local technology center. I perhaps will instead write an essay describing what inspired me to want to work with spacecraft, and maybe throw in a bit about KSP and Orbiter along the way. Once again thanks for the feedback!
  5. I have thought about that, but it's quite a curve learning how to use the Orbiter flight computers. I've attempted taking the Delta Glider to orbit, but when I reach my insertion burn I cannot find the button to show me the height of my Periapse . Lol maybe I'm just being whiny, I'm sure I could grasp it if I set my mind to it.
  6. I understand that, and I'm not wanting to base it on games. I am just trying to find a way to show that I already have a simple understanding of orbital mechanics, I could possibly use the real solar system mod and just use it as graphics explaining a mars rover, or a Europa Lander
  7. Hello all, I'm wanting to join the aerospace engineering program at Oklahoma State. I've heard its got the best aerospace program in Oklahoma and am looking for a way to spice up my application. What I had in my mind was a "Kuriosity" mission to Duna explaining in detail all maneuvers and the science behind it. I'm very unsure if this would be a good idea though considering its a game and its not 100% accurate with it's physics. Any thoughts or other ideas would be appreciated!
  8. Hey everybody! I haven't logged on here since I created a profile forever ago, so this is also my "Hi" to the community. I've been playing the full KSP since .20, but have played the .13 demo and .18 for quite awhile. I was really bored one day and had two thoughts come to mind: 1. KSP model rockets 2. 3d printed craft 1. Modular model rockets based after parts in the game(boosters pods, etc) could be bought as a kit and assembled to make a working model rocket. A simple kit could include 2 fuel tanks, command pod, fins, parachutes and solid rocket boosters. Note that these parts would not just be shells like normal rockets and engines would have to be bought separately. Parts could be taken apart, mixed and matched to make bigger and better designs. The packs could follow the tech tree's rocket unlock packs and cost more as the kit included more advanced parts. The same idea could be applied to aircraft. 2. My next idea is one I'm really interested in. Do you have an amazing space station, rocket or space plane? All you would have to do is take the .craft and send it to KSP(all stock of course). After paying a cost determined by the size you wish the model to be, your product will be printed(maybe painted?) and sent to you to display as you wish. KSP already has 3d printed merchandise, so I cannot see this being too far of a stretch. I'm sure merchandise is the last thing on the minds of the devs right now while the game is still in development, so I cannot see any of these ideas implemented anytime soon, but thought I'd get them out there. Any thoughts? Thanks for reading!
  9. Hope everything goes well on Sunday's launch of the Sapphire!!! Keep up the inspiring work!!! -P.S. how hard is it to control a real spaceship compared to KSP???
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