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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. the speed breaker highest speed over land: 2,275 pics: <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/jkTfQ/embed"></iframe>
  2. http://imgur.com/9UZIwQb that is the link to the giga-prison photos I used hyper-edit to move it up there and it can hold up to 211 naughty kerbals I think of the structural bits as recyclers to feed the kerbals and they recycle the things that go down toilets, I included 4 docking ports even though nothing is going to dock, every door can be locked individually with infernal robotics, bob is on board because he was responsible for the death of bill,
  3. I think I'll get started on a design, I'm thinking of guard drones with gatling cannons and missiles
  4. Do the prisons have to be put into orbit legit or can they be hyper-edited up?
  5. your mission, should you choose to accept it is to install deadly re-entry and create a spacecraft to re-enter the atmosphere at as high a speed as possible and survive. Rules 1. you must have a picture of the capsule on the ground 2. you must have a picture of the end flight log showing max speed over land 3. a picture of the design Happy launchings!
  6. this is my attempt i reached m/s that's my design
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