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Everything posted by Tuna7
Help with KAS and Kethane on Mac
Tuna7 replied to Killa Lawnchair's topic in KSP1 Technical Support (PC, modded installs)
Bump- I'm having the same issue with Kethane. -
The Corporate Space Race- The History of Kerbal Space Program
Tuna7 replied to Tuna7's topic in KSP1 Mission Reports
Just to let you know, Ive added two mods, the procedural fairings mod and the graphotron mod which don't change gameplay much but add realisticness -
Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update
Tuna7 replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I cannot see the window for the Kethane scanning... I had it scanned but the window disappeared -
The Corporate Space Race- The History of Kerbal Space Program
Tuna7 replied to Tuna7's topic in KSP1 Mission Reports
Aeronautics Industries- TempMeasure: FAILURE Mission: Accurately measure the temperature up to 25km. Cost: 2,470 Mission Report: TM used a new type of design with a long arm with the thermometer on top to prevent heating from the boosters. Very soon after takeoff, the ship's capsule was destroyed, leaving it uncontrolled. The spacecraft then lost control and hit the ground. The debris can be seen in the background. Reward: -500 The government charged a fee for the debris coming down over the space center. -
The Corporate Space Race- The History of Kerbal Space Program
Tuna7 replied to Tuna7's topic in KSP1 Mission Reports
Don't forget that the capsule uses electricity on its own. I wasn't controlling the ship at all since it was impossible, and Kerbfire doesn't have the tech for SAS yet. -
The Corporate Space Race- The History of Kerbal Space Program
Tuna7 replied to Tuna7's topic in KSP1 Mission Reports
Attention! Because of Kerbfire's recent jump in the race, Aeronautics industries has announced that they are initiating research in Mid Sized SRB, Primitive Electronics, and decouplers. The total cost is only a fraction of Aero Industries money, but more advanced technologies are costing more and more. The cost is 2,250 Kd. -
The Corporate Space Race- The History of Kerbal Space Program
Tuna7 replied to Tuna7's topic in KSP1 Mission Reports
Kerbfire- Long Range Suborbital Probe: PARTIAL SUCCESS Mission- Travel to the edge of the atmosphere and gather temperature readings throughout the atmosphere. Then, crash into the ground. Cost-3,600 Mission Report: The LRSOP was designed similar to the Stager, but it had another booster. After launching into the air, the setup was proved to be highly effective. Temperature readings begun at 10k m, right after the second booster decoupled. The thermometer was nothing more than a mercury one rigged to broadcast the temperature through the probe's radio transmitter. The temperature measuring was a huge fail though. By 16k m, the remaining booster had heated the thermometer up to 250 C. The thermometer was also sucking the ship dry of required electricity. By flameout, the temperature had risen to 500 C. This occurred at a record high 40k m. Only then did scientist realize that the probe was on an escape trajectory out of Kerbin orbit. This was likely caused by the huge supply of fuel and lightness of the rocket. It had a full booster left of fuel at 10k when the Stager had flamed out. All contact with the probe was lost because of lack of power before it left Kerbin's SOI. Reward: The kerbal government awarded Kerbfire with 17,500 Kd. This took in account the achievement of escaping Kerbin and the scientific research sent back. After the last booster flamed out, the temperature rapidly decreased and reached below freezing. This proved theories that temperatures are cooler the higher you get. This information will be used in the future of Rocketry. -
The Corporate Space Race- The History of Kerbal Space Program
Tuna7 replied to Tuna7's topic in KSP1 Mission Reports
Oh yeah lets hope. Google "Civ4 a brief history of big mexico mexico", probably some of the best creative writing I've done but it had to die -
The Corporate Space Race- The History of Kerbal Space Program
Tuna7 replied to Tuna7's topic in KSP1 Mission Reports
Thanks for stopping me... I was getting carried away. Update later because I have baseball today. -
I was really intrigued by The Jedi Master's (hope I did that right) community driven space program. Sadly, it appears to be dead and already buried. So I decided to do something similar, but without the community requests. The story takes place at the beginning of KSP. Seeing the new technology of rocketry, various corporations are building rockets. The government, although very small, is promising rewards for doing missions. Many rockets failed at first but three companies emerged with the best rocket designs: Rockostar was famous for their Mk1 SRB probe which is considered the best rocket of its time, with a maximum altitude of 25,000 and a burnout of 11,000, the government awarded Rockostar with 10,000 Kd, double the cost of 5,060. Kerbfire is a small business that works mostly in technology. Their rockets are mainly Proof-Of-Concept. Their first entry, named the stager, is the first rocket to use multiple stages. The rocket went up to about 14,000 m with an apoapsis of 50,000 m before the probe exploded due to it overheating. The rocket's cost of 2,190 was only surpassed by a mere 4,000 , if you consider the research which costed about 1000 Kd. The technology is being seen as a great and cheap way to boost efficiency, but the government warned of lower prophets when probes explode. Aeronautics Industries is the last one. It was the founder of a recent technology the Kerbfire's decouplers are dependent on. This is the ability to control rockets using radio waves. Aero Industries also found out how to stage, make individual pieces go off at different times. They showcased this in their MultiRunner, a small rocket that had different SRBs go off at different times. It was awarded 3,750 Kd, but the cost was 1750 and the research was 2000. I am using stock and engineer redux for cost stats. Rockostar: Tech: Small SRB (0) Med SRB (0) Radio Control (0) Ships: Mk1 SRB Probe (Cost 5,000) (Reward 10,000) Budget: Base money: 15,000 Earned money: 10,000 Expenses: 5060 Research Costs: 0 Balance: 19,940 Kd Kerbfire: Tech: Small SRB (0) Med SRB (0) Radio Control (0) Decouplers (1000) Primitive Staging (0) Ships: The Stager (Cost 1750) (Reward 3500) Long Range Suborbital Probe (Cost 3,600) (Reward 17,500) Budget: Base Money: 10,000 Earned Money: 21500 Expenses: 5790 Research Costs:1000 Balance: 24,710 Kd Aeronautics Industries: Tech: Small SRB (0) Radio Control (0) Primitive Staging (2000) Med SRB (500) Primitive Electronics (750) Decouplers (1000) Ships: MultiRunner (Cost 1750) (Reward 3750) TempMeasure (Cost 2,970) Budget: Base Money: 20,000 Earned Money: 3750 Expenses: 4720 Research Costs: 4250 Balance: 14,780 Kd reserved- might need it Currently Available Techs: Decouplers (Cost 1000) Allows the use of all stack decouplers (Kerbfire, Aero Industries) (requires primitive staging) Primitive Staging (Cost 2000) Allows up to four stages including stage "0" (Kerbfire, Aeronautics Industries) Large SRB (Cost 2500) Allows the large SRB (requires Med SRB and primitive staging) Basic Staging (Cost 3000) Allows up to six stages including stage "0" (requires primitive staging) Primitive Electronics (Cost 750) Allows Small Batteries (requires primitive staging) (Aero Industries)
The conclusion to "Quest for Lightspeed!"
Tuna7 replied to ThesaurusRex's topic in KSP1 Mission Reports
Proves the universe and scott manley wrong -
I've messed with config files before to get them to my personal preferences. Recently, I wanted to make the rover wheels faster, as the max speed of the fastest wheel is only about 50 mph (23 m/s) which is sort of kind of unrealistic. I scouted in the cfg for the wheel max speed thing, but I could not find it. Does anyone know which parameter to edit?
[0.22] Extraplanetary Launchpads Legacy Thread
Tuna7 replied to skykooler's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I loaded a ship without any resources. Bug alert! -
Me demands a poll!
In the process I also found the music for the game "I Love Traffic". It is called Corncob
I don't know how many people Know about this one in this edition of KSP Conspiracies but I found the music for the VAB (most of the time). I was searching for some elevator music I could use as a national anthem for My country when I came across the song Groove Grove at that royalty free music site. Link Here(You have to droll down a bit).
Haven't updated in a while D: Finally- Chapter 3: Not Enough Delta-V Jebediah Kerman maneuvered around his house grumbling to himself about Bill. It was only a knock on the door that knocked him out of his trance. Jeb answered with force; almost ripping the door out. Jeb:"WHAT" Mysterious Uniformed Man: "Nice to see you too. This is Chumpram Knubman of" Jeb: *snicker* CK: "Bank of Kanada. You have been behind on your mortgage for this house. We need 500 credits by next week or you're in prison. Jeb: "Listen Chumpram. Get back in your little car and drive home. I'll have the money by tomorrow. Jeb being at least six inches taller totally intimidated. Chumpram hurried back to his car and did just as Jeb said. Just after he left, Jeb called the bank. Bank Guy: "Hello Jeb! Are you looking to see your account balance?" Jeb: "Yes. I would to know. Some guy came saying I was behind on mortgage" Bank guy: "Um according to this you have 50" Jeb: "Thousand Credit?" Bank Guy: "No. Just Fifty Credits" Jeb: "NO WAY! I WAS A KERBONAUT! I WAS A MILLIONARE" Bank Guy: "Well it appears that you have just ran out of Delta-V" Jeb hung up. Quickly he located his computer and went to Kerbonet.com, a job website. He then clicked 'Searching For A Job'? His Characteristics were the following. What are you good at? Maneuvering high altitude crafts (HAC) What is your experience? Maneuvering high altitude crafts (HAC) Surviving in Extreme Conditions The output was only a singe company: SpaceKom-Karmalikstan-Space Tourism-Probe Pilot- Jeb realized that this was his only shot of not going to prison. He called up SpaceKom.
~100 points for probe plus Rings of Jool achievement is 600. Congrats! You're in second place! (I'm in first with 1104)
OH gosh I clicked yes because I thought this thread was have YOU landed on the moon so I said yes but then I realized I really meant no. So just exclude one vote from yes and add one toni
800 points for mech jeb?
Very very cool! You made me write a new achievment And Robbii6, I'm pretty sure the answer is yes (unless you have some crazy scheme to merge savefiles or something like that.
I managed to launch 552 debris (using hyper edit) I'll put up some pictures soon
So I saw some old Kessler Syndrome Challenges (0.13) so I started my own Story: Bob is getting tired of Jeb launching random rockets so he decided to secretly put up a huge wall of debris into space to try to prevent any rocket from orbiting Kerbin. Rules: You can use any mods you like! You can even hyperedit your ship to to orbit Freedom! Scoring: 2 points for every debris 50: "Barricade" Have debris orbiting in a western orbit. 80: "Communications Are Down" Have debris orbiting in a southern orbit 80: "Social Blocker" Share your save file 150: "Canceling The Mun Program" Have a debris cloud over Mun 300: "Begging For Mercy" Have Jeb's orbiter come within 500m of a debris (coming in the opposite direction) 500: "Rings of Jool" Have a debris ring around Jool 600: "Interference" Have a polar orbit satellite come within 500m of a debris (" ") 1000: "No Small Step" Have a Munar lander come within 500m of a debris WHILE LANDING (Double the points on the encounter ones if you come 250m instead of 500) How to find out how many debris you have: Go into your save file and search VESSEL. However many results you get is ho many things their are. Then subtract the ones you are actually using. or (Untested) Search debris on your save file. Happy Cluttering! Leaderboard 1: Tuna7 (me): 1154 (552 debris around Kerbin at a western orbit)