Bear in mind my network is not Keo-Syncronous while on the launch platform target the last satellite yo have put up, we'll call this "Can I" for sake of brevity, at some point the PINK retrograde marker for Can I will cross the artificial horizon ball at around the 30 degree west mark this is the ideal time to launch!* *assuming a 100km target altitude with ~45 degrees of separation between Satelllites. That's all assent, now assuming your Sats have dipoles and dishes there is good news.. you do not need to point the dishes anywhere. Dish point becomes relevant when relaying a stream to the Mun or beyond. the dipoles are effectively omnidirectional. Assuming you time your placements right with 4 KeoSynced sats the distance between them will be ~4549km, just under the 5000km limit of the dipole, so they should network just fine.