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Everything posted by Bolide

  1. That's just it, I didn't have any 1.9 pieces on rockets. I didn't have any 1.9 pieces to use at all and this was a fresh install. I'm just stumped.
  2. I'm sure someone has had this same problem, but I really don't want to scour the 228 pages in this thread. When I download the 2.0.8 zip and install it, it only registers as the old version. I've gone as far as to completely reinstall the game with zero luck. Anyone have a solution that I may not be thinking of?
  3. When your re-entry module's parachutes don't open, because you forgot them.
  4. I'm not really sure how to change this to answered so if a mod could do that I would appreciate it.
  5. Oh, I like that. I'll definitely look into that mod. Thanks!
  6. That's the problem, the last few times I've actually been able to get it to dock my designs have disintegrated on contact. Bear in mind I was traveling at about .5m/s at most too. I realize it's a learning process which is why I came here.
  7. I intend on mounting the actual rockets around it and using them to help support the torque on the arm. I'll definitely try to use the girders though. Thanks for the tips.
  8. I'm trying to build a somewhat large solar array for a planned space station mission soon, but for some reason, whenever I have four arrays on one of the arms it gets a crazy bounce and makes my rocket explode. I have a rockomax hub linked to a modular girder adapter which is then linked to a TR-2V stack decoupler. That is linked to 55 or so octagonal struts. I've tried with and without 8 heavy strut connectors as well as the decoupler and variations thereof. Any help would be appreciated. I can't seem to get this thing to stop bouncing uncontrollably and self destructing.
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