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Everything posted by MadDridder

  1. Thank you sarbian and soulsource for the advice. I got Active Texture Management, forced OpenGL, and it worked! I even managed to install bits of the Renaissance Pack. It seems there are two layers of clouds on Jool, and Jeb's hair is blue, so I think there are a few bugs, but as you said these mods are not really compatible so I'm a happy camper anyway. Thanks for the help
  2. Hello there! I saw on Youtube videos of KSP with great graphics, stuff like lens flare, better looking atmospheres with clouds and high res textures for planets. It looks gorgeous but when I tried to manually install a few of these, like EVE and Astronomer's Visal Pack, the game crashes when it loads the main menu. And I paid attention to the instructions I tried to do it through CKAN as well, only to get the same results. I thought CKAN was able to tell if the mods you selected to install were incompatible with the version of the game, or they had conflicts with each other. Am I mistaken? So, did any of you here successfully mod the visuals in 1.0.2, and how? I hope someone can answer, because I love the game and having better graphics is always nice Thanks!
  3. Salut àtous, un autre Français ici! J'ai découvert la démo de KSP il y a 6 mois, je l'ai acheté et depuis je brûle du fuel et je m'écrase lamentablement avec toujours autant de bonheur. Mais j'ai quand même réussi àatteindre mon but depuis que j'ai acheté le jeu: créer un SSTO. Mission réussie! Bon, il ne sert pas àgrand chose puisqu'il ne transporte qu'un seul kerbal et aucune marchandise, mais bon il est fonctionel. Prochain objectif, le VTOL XD Et après le VTOL SSTO. Et ensuite la vitesse de la lumière! Ou pas...
  4. I am a big fan of Macey's series but I'm no good in building spaceships XD I just managed to build my first SSTO that can carry nothing but one Kerbal in LKO. But I will try to think about something. How about some intelligence gear? Hanland always seems to know more than Spiritwolf, would it be thanks to highly advanced surveillance technology? Does it seem like a good idea to you guys?
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