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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. as i have unintentionally figured out my question, i'll put it up here in case anyone else had the problem. put on the cheats menu, add in the "view biomes in map" option, and go to the map. all the locations are marked for you there. i just wish i didn't have to "cheat" to find the places... -.-
  2. ok, i'm loving this new version of ksp. the only issue i have is with fine print being assimilated into it. the case in point i have the biggest problem with is the "perform visual surveys of kerbin" part. i have no idea where zone MRZCX-Alpha, MRZCX-Beta, or Engineer's Glory is. and there's no map that i can find that shows exactly where the places are... so ...? why do i have so many missions that are literally impossible for me to complete? can anyone anywhere give me any information as to how to complete these tasks?
  3. i'm patiently/anxiously awaiting a download link...this is an amazing group of plugins...
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