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Everything posted by spacetortoise1

  1. Cool view of Kerbin and the Mun from the North pole of Minmus The Mun's south pole is pretty unusual, and slightly creepy. Weird things happened there, but it was definitely worth the science.
  2. I love debris, I always hope for a random collision. Even though that's unlikely, I've heard of it happening.
  3. I'd like ice giant systems, or more tiny asteroid moons in the Joolian system (maybe some that orbit super close to the planet like Metis in real life.
  4. Hanging out at the astronaut complex after a few Mun & Minmus missions. In my other save file he's cruising around Moho in a mobile base.
  5. All from stock game. Here's some of my Moho rover (sandbox mode) The lander to take them home has arrived
  6. I'm using two of the Mk2-R radial parachutes on the tiny 1-man capsule, but even when they deploy I still come down at a screaming 32 m/s. Is this a bug?
  7. That's always an option, I'll send a fuel tanker or two directly behind it, just in case. Thanks!
  8. Not really. Just catch Dres where it's orbital plane intersects yours, and then just get a stable orbit once you're in Dres' soi. I've done quite a few missions to Dres (mostly fuel tankers), it's not as difficult as it looks.
  9. 135 total mass with full fuel. I'll disable the crossfeed from everything except the tank the skipper is attached to. The solar panels are mainly for aesthetics, I guess I didn't need that many gigantors.
  10. Yeah, that's a big concern. The lander should work great if it has enough fuel, I tested it on Kerbin and it can get pretty high up and it goes very fast.
  11. I spent a while re-building my entire Moho ship and got this. The total mass is 135 with full fuel. It features one skipper engine as a booster stage (it will drop when empty), then two nuclear engines for maneuvers. The lander should be a piece of cake, it will undock, land, rendezvous and re-dock with two kerbals inside. If it gets me there, any suggestions on maneuvers?
  12. Try a different landing site. The new mun surface probably has quite a few glitchy spots like that, just go a little ways away and you should be fine.
  13. Oh also here's the ship for reference. Thanks for the help guys. The booster option might work well. I'm going to have to do some re-arrangements on my ship for it to work, but it should pay off. Also with the Moho windows, from my experience you have to catch it at it's periapsis, otherwise de-orbiting takes ridiculous amounts of dV (usually 5000m/s with a bad encounter).
  14. Awesome, that definitely sounds like my best option right now. Any tips on timing? The Moho window is very brief.
  15. Hi, I'm trying to send a return vessel to Moho and back, but I'm running into a problem. The ship is very massive (two orange tanks, lander on the front and side tanks), although I can detach one orange tank when it runs out, the ship is still very slow, even with two nuclear engines. My problem is doing my burn from Kerbin to Moho, whenever I set my maneuver nodes, I have to burn directly into Kerbin. This seems like it's wasting a lot of fuel, which I really don't want. Plus, the burn still takes a good half hour to complete, so that's a lot of fuel (and then I have to do an insertion burn). Should I use engines with higher thrust? or any other help?
  16. Quick picture of the MH1 Rover on the move: Where I am in relation to Moho. I'm heading toward the crater inside the giant brown crater (actually I'm already there).
  17. I built a huge "planet trekker" rover with a cargo bay and everything, took it to the moon. The landing stage was very odd since I had to center the mass, although it was very easy to handle.
  18. After many hours of preparation (this is only the first vessel) the MH1 Rover begins it's landing on the surface of Moho, will they survive? TOUCHDOWN! These are the first two kerbals who I've ever sent to Moho, and hopefully they return home safely. I'm so happy!!! And Jeb is too. Also, Moho has very similar gravity to Duna, which I didn't expect. That makes driving a whole lot easier though! They have a long drive ahead of them to the lander, which will shuttle them to the drive stage and return to kerbin. Along the way, they will pass the first probe I've ever landed on Moho a while back, how cool! This was done all stock, no cheats by the way.
  19. Back in 0.16 when I was a n00b, I built a GIGANTIC rocket barely using struts or anything, and I kept trying to get it to work. Now it's the laughing stock of any time I launch a huge rocket.
  20. I'm doing a 2-kerbal Moho rover expedition titled MH1. This is the main drive stage of the lander lifting off (Very hefty rocket): Main solar sails retracted (Using emergency ion thrusters), drive stage ready to dock with the fuel tank & lander. All docked & ready to go! Elsewhere in Kerbin orbit, a rover containing the two brave kerbonauts is awaiting departure after 4 days of preparation. First the lander will land, then the rover will land a ways away, drive across the surface (hopefully passing a probe lander sent almost a year earlier) to the lander, the lander will dock with the drive stage and head home. Seems pretty promising, I hope it is.
  21. I remember using winglets as landing legs for my first landing back in 0.16, I was so proud of myself for a landing and return trip.
  22. Here's the first thing I ever landed on Moho: Honestly did not expect to make it, had a TON of dV to work with. And here's my Cassini-Huygens replica. Needs more golden tinfoil.
  23. Probably has to be an Eve flyby with my unmanned probe. The greenish sunsets are really cool.
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