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Everything posted by Asdpyro

  1. You should team up with Forum user "Trueborn". I would love to see all of the gauges from the "steam gauges mod" implemented into this. I love the steam gauges mod but it just clutters up the screen too much. Having them on another screen via a tablet would be a great improvement. A Scott manly video of steam gauges: The Steam Gauges Forum Thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/40730-SteamGauges-Release-Thread
  2. I'm a huge fan of RT1 and am really excited for RT2. I have one question though. When trying to determine if a dish on a probe is within LOS, does the path look for the exact position of the dish, the "main" part (where ksp makes everything relative to) or to the center of gravity? I ask because I would like to take advantage of the new mountains and deliver com towers to many ground based positions around Kerbin. I have flown around and established many mountain ranges that can see each other. However this will be much more difficult if RT2 will be looking for visibility to the base of the tower I build rather than the top or middle even.
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